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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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"Yeah... it's really nice," Actus said looking around. Even though he did want to stay, he didn't want things to happen. "Morinth, I don't want you to kill Commander Numin, it will only point to me as a suspect," Actus said. He looked at his hands as a ring of pressure from the handcuffs were still there. "I was wondering though, if I could... stay awhile," Actus said. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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"Make yourself at home, there's plenty of private rooms in here. And i won't kill him, rather have him killed through Aria T'loak's agents... she has the council in her pocket, he dies through her, no one suspects a thing.... you could say she is... my Acquaintance, i own this place, but i got help from her with investments, powerful ally, deadly foe. Now, do you want a drink?" Morinth said, calling over her private bartender. Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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"Thank you Morinth, and yes I would love a drink right now." Actus said. He grabbed a glass and took a sip, it was quite wonderful and tasty, but he didn't want to drink a a lot. He set down the the glass and looked at Morinth, she looked really nice, classy if he could find a word for it. "You look wonderful tonight..." Actus said.
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Actus remembered what he saw back in the Interrogation room, he took another sip of the drink and he sighed. "They have photos of you, me, everyone on the ship we came in. They know were all here on the Citadel." Actus said. Even thought he thought about the kiss back on the ship. "Well, I wanted to ask you something... but I don't really know how to put it out..." Actus said shyly. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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"Alex was watching some dancers when he saw someone he recognised "Crap" he said, walking over to him "what the f*** are you doing here?"

"The boss is old news, Starkiller, we should go solo"

"What are you going on about, the boss isn't old news"

"Starkiller, you haven't noticed that there aren't as many people who want his 'help'?" Alex had heard enough, he drew his gun and shot the Turian twice in the chest, then once in the head,

"Sorry, Ectus, your old news now" Alex said, he put the gun away, he had a feeling most of the patrons were used to this, but a few looked his way "Mind your own business or I'll kill you too" he said, he turned and began to leave

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"A bonding moment... yes... i feel connected to you Actus... i do, for once i don't want you to leach out your power.... but it can never happen.... unless you are willing to die, we could never meld.... and i could never keep myself from doing that." Morinth said, looking a little sad, but hiding it with a fake smile.
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