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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Actus sighed, she was right, he grabbed his drink and took another sip and leaned back again. He saw straight through her fake smile. Even though he felt like an idiot for asking the question in the first place, it was nice to know that she felt the same. However, he knew this will never happen, he wanted to try anyway. "You never know until we try, or experiment. Even you said yourself that I'm different." Actus said.
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Actus nodded and looked back into her eyes, this will come to a great risk to her and him. He took the last sip of his drink and put it down. "Of course, but you have to be ready to do this also... I mean I could die doing this, you have to be ready to accept the fact of that." Actus said calmly.
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"I have never regretted a thing in my life... i'm not weak, if you die i will deal with it.... killed my own mother without shedding a tear... so yes, i can cope... i just hope you can too." Morinth said, her grey eyes sparkling. All cybernetics could not be view, as any exterior ones were not inside her body.
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Actus leaned even more forward, almost off the chair, examining her sparkling eyes. Actus thought of what would happen if he'd survive the first time, and if he could survive the second time est. "Let's say if I survive this, does this mean you won't be an outcast to your people anymore?" Actus asked.
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Actus smiled, even though he was scared to death to try something that could actually kill him, he felt rather calm about it. "Well, I better get going, I hope we can talk again soon," Actus said, as he stood up walking towards the door. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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