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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Upon entering his new room at the club, it was surprisingly quiet, and it didn't smell either. Actus walked over to his bed to see a bottle of wine with a red bow-tie. He laughed as he sat down on the extremely comfortable bed. Actus laid down and thought about what just happened. He smiled as he fell asleep.
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Morinth looked down upon the club. Some young upstart was trying to pick a fight with a veteran crimelord. Big mistake, the Krogan crimelord picked up the young upstart and put his shotgun to the boys stomach. "You die now, whelp." And fired a whole round, leaving nothing but messy remains on the floor, they were soon cleared up and the club ran a smoothly as ever, a lot of money had been generated already.
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Actus awoke some time later, even though he didn't know what time it was, he felt refreshed. He grabbed the wine bottle and took a sip of it as he left his room again. Actus felt he didn't finish the conversation he had with Morinth, but he didn't want to disturb her. He walked to the bar and got a glass of water, noticing all the people around him were dancing, having fun he smiled as he looked up to see Morinth up at her office and took a slip of water.
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Morinth came down from her office once she saw some C-sec officers trying to get in, she walked over to the door, and said to them "I don't take scum in my club." And she drew her pistol and killed them there and then "Clean up the bodies." She said as she left, and walked back to her office once more.
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Actus watched the C-Sec officers being dragged off, for the first time he didn't care about death... For the first time he thought it was okay to kill someone just for snooping around. Actus rubbed his eyes as he saw Morinth walk back to her office. He decided it was time to finish the conversation. He slowly walked into Morinths office again. However he decided just to stand this time. "I'm sorry I walked out earlier, I was hoping we could finish what we were talking about," Actus said.
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Actus felt awkward, he didn't know why, but the way she... he shrugged off the thought. "I think that if we do this, and I survive anyway, we should leave the Citadel. You know, start over," Actus said. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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"Leave? you mean settle down? I'm sorry, Actus but that will never happen, i will never settle down. I'm a hunter, a predator, i don't stop, and i never will, i will die in battle, not in a bed. And as for a family, it can never happen. Maybe, once i have got a hell of a lot of money from this place, i will sell, and start a new criminal club somewhere else."
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"But I think that's your problem, you've never got to settle down in your life. You've always been on the run, You never got the feeling that your safe and you wouldn't want to stay wherever you where at the time." Actus said.
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