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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Morinth walked into Actus's room and Noticed he was gone.... using the link they had, she looked into his mind, and discovered he was being held by C-sec "f***! No! I need to help him... s*** but how? i could ask Aria.... no she would want a life of servitude in return.... looks like i am going to have to get him myself." Morinth said, and she left the club and set off for the C-sec base....


The bar tender looked at Shaina "If youv'e got 400 hundred creds on you, i can get you a reserve."


Aria sat in her lounge, after the transmission ended. "Well boys, finish up your drinks, knock yourselves out, this could be your last night on the citadel."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Morinth walked into Actus's room and Noticed he was gone.... using the link they had, she looked into his mind, and discovered he was being held by C-sec "f***! No! I need to help him... s*** but how? i could ask Aria.... no she would want a life of servitude in return.... looks like i am going to have to get him myself." Morinth said, and she left the club and set off for the C-sec base....


The bar tender looked at Shaina "If youv'e got 400 hundred creds on you, i can get you a reserve."


Aria sat in her lounge, after the transmission ended. "Well boys, finish up your drinks, knock yourselves out, this could be your last night on the citadel."


The boss re-entered flanked by the same men from earlier... plus many more of different specis, not to many, prehapes 100, but these were the 'hardcores' of his organisation (As opposed to the ones who hung around for the drugs and to rob a small street corner shop, these guys knew what they were doing "I heard that transmission, I want in"

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Aria smiled. "Come crawling back have we? Finally realized i am not to be messed with? Good. I would have hated to have had you killed. So you want to help me take back Omega? Fine. But, there is one thing you are going to have to realize, your going to have to swallow your pride and be an underling... No one is equal to me in my Empire. And anyone who wants in, is mine." Aria said standing up.
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Aria smiled. "Come crawling back have we? Finally realized i am not to be messed with? Good. I would have hated to have had you killed. So you want to help me take back Omega? Fine. But, there is one thing you are going to have to realize, your going to have to swallow your pride and be an underling... No one is equal to me in my Empire. And anyone who wants in, is mine." Aria said standing up.



"Just don't refer to him as underling, call him something else, and he'll be fine, he's..." Alex paused, searching for unoffensive words" odd... like that" Alex said

"SHUT UP STARKILLER!" The boss shouted, pushing Alex over

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"Then we have nothing more to talk about. I like spirit, but not when it is annoying. Considering my version of an underling is someone who gets in on my very best assets, i would say being called an underling was only a minor problem. You help me, you ARE mine. But that means, you get my assets here on the citadel, including this club if you so wish, i won't need to run it, i will have Omega back." Aria said walking past 'the boss', and taking a datapad from Grizz.


"Lively? f***ing dangerous more like. This place is run by a murderer, and on every table a murderer, a drug dealer, a crimelord. Looks like youve got the wrong club." The bartender said, handing her a bottle of Benning special. "See the Asari over in the VIP area? That's Aria T'loak, don't mess with her, or you end up dead."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Actus sat in his cell for awhile, until Commander Numin came in and sat across the cell from Actus. "I've been thinking Actus, if you decide not to cooperate we'll just execute you." Commander Numin said with a serious tone. Actus noticed the camera in the corner of the room, he sighed as he thought of what he said. "Well, I guess you're just going to have to kill me Commander." Actus said coldly. Commander Numin nodded and left the cell, the door yet again slamming closed.
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Neriane walked around the citadel before reporting back to the barracks where the chief commander went mental for her being 5 minutes late. She made her way back to her appartment but got side tracked into the arguement which she overheard round the corner accidentaly revealing were she was by knocking over a stand.
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