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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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"Was that meant to be a joke? I'm not paying you, when i have a lovely Krogan who is indebted to me for life to do it instead." Aria said, looking at Alex. "How good are you?"


Alex almost swore "It wasn't a joke, I could just smell an opertunity. I'm good I guess, haven't really had many people to compare my self to, other than the boss's small group, of which I am the best"

"I think he's the second best!" a man from the group shouted

"the best" Alex repeated

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Aria leaned forward and said "You screw this up and i will personally pull out every one of your teeth, cut off your dick, pluck out your eyes. Oh, then i'll put in a pit with some starving varen... while your covered in your little strips of meat. We clear? Pull it off you get 800,000 credits. I've got that to burn right now."


Morinth reached Actus's room and sat on his bed. "God damn it never get involved with C-sec again... but Numin will be dead soon.... don't know how calm Aria is about this, it's like that request was equal to asking her breathe."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Aria leaned forward and said "You screw this up and i will personally pull out every one of your teeth, cut off your dick, pluck out your eyes. Oh, then i'll put in a pit with some starving varen... while your covered in your little strips of meat. We clear? Pull it off you get 800,000 credits. I've got that to burn right now."


Alex smiled under his helmet, if he failed, he'd be one of two things, one dead, or two, invisible, having dropped off the radar until this died down "He's already dead" he said, standing and leaving the room, heading for C-sec


Alex arrived, he requested to see Commander Nurim immediantly, he was careful to add that he had information on the escaped C-sec officers where abouts, and on the Asari suspects

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Actus walked in and listened to what Morinth had to say. "Do you really think I just walked into the C-Sec office? I was ambushed at my apartment! I don't think killing Numin will solve my problems, It'll just delay C-Sec for a while. They'll destroy this city looking for me and you! Why did you even come for me anyway? I thought you would be fine without me." Actus asked.


The C-Sec employee smiled at Alex, she called the Commander and told him about Alex. "Send him in," Commander Numin said.

Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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"I would be. But i never said i would just leave you, what i meant was if you died i would be fine... never said i would not prevent that. And that will be an end to our problems. When Aria says something is as good as done... it is. Our names will be cleared... don't know how she does it... i'm not going to ask either." Morinth said with a smile.


Aria looked at The Boss and said "Greedy one you have there... keep him on a tight leash. Preferably with a choker or a shock collar."

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Actus sighed, he sat on the bed next to Morinth. "I was planning on leaving the Citadel, settle down. Obviously you won't come with me, I just don't want to live a life of constant running, or killing." Actus said looking at Morinth.
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The boss laughed at Aria "Trust me, I've kept him on a tight leash most of the time he was working for me, found him on the street, rejected by C-sec sour and bitter, but with potential, you could pretty much feel it"


Alex entered the room "I know where your suspect is" he said

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"Oh really now... You know where Lt.Actus Illo and Morinth? Please, take a seat and tell me more," Commander Numin said pointing to the chair in front of his desk. He called his secretary to tell him to take notes of the meeting.
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