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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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"Already on it! Morinth said, jumping out of an emergency hatch to the alley below. Her computer had been scrubbed clean of any data.


Aria heard the explosion and said "I think the plan worked. Come on Mr. Boss. I think we deserve a bit of fun with Numin, don't you?" She stood up and walked out of the VIP section, to where Numin was lying on the floor. "Why hello Numin. Isn't this ironic? in a club with your two most wanted crimelords, but helpless to do anything. That little one, is what you get when you f*** with Aria!" She said kicking his side.

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"Already on it! Morinth said, jumping out of an emergency hatch to the alley below. Her computer had been scrubbed clean of any data.


Aria heard the explosion and said "I think the plan worked. Come on Mr. Boss. I think we deserve a bit of fun with Numin, don't you?" She stood up and walked out of the VIP section, to where Numin was lying on the floor. "Why hello Numin. Isn't this ironic? in a club with your two most wanted crimelords, but helpless to do anything. That little one, is what you get when you f*** with Aria!" She said kicking his side.


The boss looked at Alex "Nicely done, Starkiller"

"Thanks, boss"

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"Very nicely done. I think a bonus is in order, don't you?" Aria said kicking Numin again.


"Thank you, the commander already saw to a bonus, I screwed him out of an extra 200,000" he said "I made him pay for my 'information'"

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Actus rushed out and followed Morinth, as they reached the docks Actus spotted Oliver as he ran up to the ship. "Actus! It's ready, get on!" Oliver shouted as the engines started up. Actus hopped on, but also noticed a bunch of other people on the ship. Of course, Oliver reserved a private room for him and Morinth.


Numin grunted as he got kicked, he wiped off the spit on his face. He couldn't do anything about it. He opened his Omi-Tool and before he passed out, ordered the C-Sec to attack the club.

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"And i'm such a genius. I've had every wall in this place fitted with a bomb in every table a bomb and in every seat... A bomb. We will all be long gone to Omega to take care of the cerberus bastards, little Numin here will die, and so will his C-sec worms. Simple as that, now someone pass me a gun." Aria said, walking out of the hallway.


Morinth got into the ship and looked at the citadel, feeling rather scared of what was to come.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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"And i'm such a genius. I've had every wall in this place fitted with a bomb in every wall, a grenade in every seat. We will all be long gone to Omega to take care of the cerberus bastards, little Numin here will die, and so will his C-sec worms. Simple as that, now someone pass me a gun." Aria said, walking out of the hallway.


Morinth got into the ship and looked at the citadel, feeling rather scared of what was to come.


Alex nodded, then looked back at Numin pointed his pistol at his head and shot, then spun it on his finger and put it away "I keep this..." he pulled his secondary assault rifle out "For close encounters"

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"That should do." Aria said, she shot someone with the gun, killing them, once all of the patrons were looking, and the music stopped she said loudly "EVERYONE GET OUT! NOW! THAT IS IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!" all of the patrons ran for there lives, despite being criminals, none would question Aria. "Just leaves us." Aria said, injecting another clip into the gun.
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A C-Sec squad rushed into the club, with a mixture of guns for each of them. Only to notice that the club was empty.


Actus went into the room, it was actually quite neat and big enough for two. The window showed the all gleaming Citadel, Actus sighed as he sat down on the bed. "Here I am again, starting my life anew. Oliver didn't exactly say which planet the ship will stop, but he said it hadn't been touched by the Reapers yet." Actus said.

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