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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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"Take my advice: Don't try and find the answers. Just kill Cerberus until you feel better. Just don't let this get in my way, you fight them, you just fight them, no bloody interrogations." Aria said as she continued to walk.


"Why do you think? it was that or execution. I made my own option and ran." Morinth said.

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"It would make since though, but the three of you could have easily escaped... I guess I would never understand it." Actus said, he grabbed his pistol and looked at it for a minute. "This pistol was my fathers when I went to Military school, throughout my career, and I still don't know who he is." Actus said softly, twisting and turning the pistol in his hand.
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OOC: Just want to make some 'minor' adjustments.


While in his temporary room, a quarian approached Vael, while he was looking out the window. "Your trial is coming. The admirals are getting into their positions." the quarian said, "And I'm Sani'Marel vas Rayya." the quarian continued. Vael recalled meeting a 'Sani'Marel' 5 years ago. But just as Vael was going to say something, Sani concluded "And yes, it is me. However I can't talk with you at this time, I apologize." before she left the room. Vael stopped her, "Wait, will we get the chance to talk again?"

"Maybe. After the trial."

Sani closed the door behind her and left to inform the admirals. Vael turned and looked at the window, recalling everything he did this morning, just like he always does. Except that this one was mid-day, not in the nights. Whispering softly,


"I woke from a terrifying nightmare, trying to block it out by doing my usual routine. I was then approached by a turian that offered me footage of an asari, sending me to hack into her apartment. However, the same turian was in there, planning to assassinate me. I managed to stop it, fleeing into Chora's Den. I then saw Gal, the man who betrayed me and now trying to hunt me down. Gal and his five goons didn't put a scratch on me. I escaped unhindered on a ship heading for the Migrant Fleet, planning to destroy the Rayya. I stopped it. Afterwards, the Rayya's crew didn't know what to do with me, they sent me into this room and I was confronted by a familiar face. Sani'Marel vas Rayya. My trial is coming. So much has happened."

Edited by 62firelight
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"An ardat Yakshi, very interesting, killed her own mother and then impersonated her in shephards squad. Clever, fast and deadly. Still, not much of a match for me... unless she melds... in which case no-one would survive." Aria said, as they neared the ship.


"Hmm, i suppose i could ask for a look into Aria's databanks, or find some record of him in C-secs files." Morinth said.

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OOC: In case you haven't noticed, I edited my last post. And I also wanted to change part of my character's name. Sorry :whistling:


A few minutes later, Sani opened the door to Vael's room again. "You're free to follow, come with me." Sani informed Vael. He immediately turned and followed Sani. They went through the tight hallways of the Rayya, many quarians walking past them. There was more quarians going in the same direction they were going, Vael guessing that they were headed for the trial. "We're nearly there." said Sani, in a calm voice, after a while of walking. They reached a large area filled with mostly the colour green, "I never have seen this. Haven't I?" Vael thought to himself, thinking five years ago. Reaching a crowd of quarians and three admirals on stands, Sani and Vael approached the admirals.


"This is Vael'Grael, I presume?" asked one of the admirals.

"Yes. He wishes to be reinstated." Sani responded.


The admiral stared at Vael uncomfortably, before speaking.


"Vael'Grael, you wish to be reinstated. And we have discussed this before, you were proven guilty of treason by delivering geth parts onto the fleet. Do you have any evidence?"


"I wasn't actually delivering functional geth parts, they were disabled before they arrived. I was forced into it by a gang of mercenaries who were trying to study geth so they could..I don't know.."


"You say you were forced to? Tell us what they did to force you into the deal."


"They pointed a gun at my faceplate, even threatening to punch me in the face if I didn't."


"It seems reasonable. However, do you have anything to present to the admira-"


"No, I don't. But haven't I already did a service for you? By disabling that ship before the Rayya blew up?"


"I see. Admirals, do you wish to reinstate Vael'Grael?"


The other admirals nodded, but one admiral on the right protested.


"No! He's an exile and possibly a liar if we reinstate him!" The admiral spoke angrily.


"I disagree. It sounds true enough to reinstate Vael." The bottom-left admiral said.


"Enough. I have worked out a deal. Vael shall be reinstated, but he must go on a pilgrimage first." The top admiral announced.


"Another Pilgrimage?" Vael thought.




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