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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Morinth entered the tidy house, but stood by the doorway, not wanting to interfere.


"Is that... a distress signal? Bloody hell... why must they appear at the most inconvenient time? well whoever sent it out will have to help us with these cerberus bastards then." Aria said coldly, she and her men fought through more troops, leaving corridors and walkways full of bodies, until they reached the location of the distress signal "Now who the f*** sent the signal?" Aria said aloud.

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"We crash-landed..as you can see." Hari replied, looking quite nervous. "We were heading to the Citadel but we got shot down by a Cerberus ship, and someone happened to save us..but it was too late." Vael continued. "I can help you, if you could find a lookout point so I could snipe.." Vael said, about to spray Medi-Gel on his leg.
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"Sure, you do that. And if you die i'll send your body back to the Migrant fleet in a nice little bag, maybe with ribbons." Aria said in a rather un-amused tone. She and her men opened the door to afterlife, and began fighting the huge resistance inside "s***! they are strong in here! Keep pushing them back!" Aria shouted, firing at many troopers. Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Nikolaus turned around and looked at his grown son, he was surprised that he even found him. "What are you doing here and how did you find me?" Nikolaus said softly. "I came here to get answers from you father, and Morinth helped me find you," Actus said pointing at Morinth. Nikolaus nodded and sat down on a chair. "Well, you came for questions I have the answers for." Nikolaus said. "The only questions was this: Why did you leave?" Actus asked. Nikolaus thought for a moment and finally started to speak: "To keep a long story short, I used to make weapons for C-Sec, and one of my weapons got into the hands of Turian pirates which were used to attack ships. I was banned from the Citadel and was forced to live on Benning." Nikolaus said. Actus wasn't surprised, his mother did say he was banish from the Citadel. Nikolaus looked at Morinth, "How did you find me?" Nikolaus asked.
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Vael took cover behind the low walls, ignoring Aria. "Hari, stay in cover, don't do anything" said Vael, as he was getting out of cover to snipe a Assault Trooper. "OK." replied Hari. One by one he shot at the troopers, falling back as their numbers decreased. Aria and her (army??) had already reached the entrance of Afterlife when Vael killed eleven troopers. They then got down, approaching the entrance of Afterlife.

"It looks like they have a whole bunch of troopers in there." thought Vael.

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Morinth smiled ever so slightly and said "Aria T'loak had an encrypted and private file on you... with your current whereabouts and details of your life... seems you must have upset her, for her to keep a file locked on you."


"Men, this is it, we are going to crush every head of every cerberus bastard in there! The illusive man wants to play god with Omega? not on my watch. Omega is MINE and I am Omega... lets teach that little bastard what he gets for f***ing with Aria!" Aria shouted, then they burst through the doors, engaging in a heated battle in Aria club.

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