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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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"Make sure those Quarians do not get off the station. They owe me, i want that debt payed." Aria said, taking a drink from her glass.


Four heavily armed thugs arrived at Vaels ship, they looked at the two Quarians and said "You ain't goin no where. You owe Aria bigtime, and she wants that debt payed, get your asses into afterlife and see the boss... or we start breakin' heads."


"My name is Mirala." Morinth replied to the officers.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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The officer wrote down the names. "Well, it seems that this is pretty straight forward, we arrest Nikolaus whenever he is seen." The officer said. "You can return to whatever you were doing." The other officer said and left the house. "That was close," Actus said standing up. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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"Bosh'tet!" Vael shouted, throwing a lift grenade and shooting the thugs. "Activate the AI and get to the Citadel." Vael shouted at Hari, who was piloting the ship. Hari activated the AI. "AI activated. Detecting hostile forces near ship. Activating weapons system." The ship blasted the thugs and escaped Omega. "No hostiles detected." said the AI. "This AI sure is intelligent." joked Hari. Vael sighed.

"Great. We're being hunted down by Aria."

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"Escaped have they? really not the smartest Quarians in the galaxy, considering i have the blue suns, blood pack, and Eclipse under my control... Arrange for a little 'Greeting' Party to meet them once they get to the citadel... no one messes me around." Aria said to her lieutenant, while she looked at a datapad with information on the two Quarians...


"You like Mirala?... i changed it because i needed an alias, i escaped as Morinth so i could be someone else, i have changed my name so many times over the years, to keep myself hidden and alive. But Mirala is my birth name... so i will always remember it." Morinth replied smiling.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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"Yeah, it pretty." Actus replied, "I never did tell you but I had a nickname in C-Sec, everyone called me Old Man, because I was the oldest and the most experienced on the C-Sec team I worked with," Actus said with a grin on his face. "I can still call you Morinth if you want." Actus added. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Vael looked out the front window, crossing his arms. He saw the Citadel, "Glad we're here." said Vael. "Asking permission to dock with Docking Bay B26." said Hari. "Permission granted." said a not-so human voice. "Wait, that's not a human voice. Use your cloak once you get on." suspected Hari. Vael got to the airlock, activating his cloak, with Hari activating hers as well. Vael opened the airlock, with two krogan, four turians and three asari going to greet them. Hari's suspicions were correct, Aria had sent the Blue Suns, Blood Pack and the Eclipse after them. "Where are they? Search the ship!" shouted the krogan loudly. "Aria wants them!" Vael sneaked to the actual docking bay. The room was full of mercenary gangs and dead bodies. "Keelah.." Hari whispered in shock.

"Let's try calling C-Sec." whispered Vael.

Hari nodded, even though she was cloaked. They sneaked to the elevator, passing a lot of turians and krogan.

Edited by 62firelight
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As the elevator went up it was abruptly brought to a stop on the next level, which was crawling with more mercs... and in the center of the room, backed by a cadre of elite mercenary guards, the Asari Councillor stood, with her hands behind her back, waiting for the doors to open.


Once they did all of the mercs aimed at the Quarians, and the Councillor said "I have to be dragged out here to deal with you... two quarians. Your race makes trouble wherever they go, and you have made an enemy of Aria T'loak. So let me give you a little warning: Aria will be your enemy for life, which is not very long for quarians anyway... until you pay off the debt you owe her. I don't know and nor do i care what these mercs do to you, i'm just here to tell you that you wont be getting any help from C-sec, or anyone else on the citadel."

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