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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Actus went through the ships logs of stops, he finally found a ship that was going to enter Asari space, only to find that the destination was the Homeworld Thessia, however he quickly searched through the rest of the ships only to see nothing. Actus sighed as he bought two tickets and walked back toward Morinth. "This is the only ship that's going to Asari space, I hope they won't mind you visiting." Actus said handing her the ticket.
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Actus laughed as he walked toward the ship, it was fairly big as he entered to see many patrons standing around, he walked through to find the cabin that him and Morinth were going to stay in, he found the room as he opened the door, he was surprised at the condition of the room. It looked almost brand new. The room was quite bigger then the last one with two beds, and a personal refrigerator. Actus smiled as he sat down on one of the beds, as he thought the bed seemed almost brand new.
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Vael instead took the elevator to the Presidum Commons, thinking about the club 'Dark Pulse' that he hasn't even heard of. The rubble he saw behind the C-Sec officers never looked like Chora's Den, it was something else entirely. He heard the elevator stop and walked out into the Commons, on his left was a bank, and on his right were a different area. "Hmm...I'll head up to the bank to see if any credits are in it." Vael thought to himself, walking up the steps and waiting behind a line.


After a few minutes of working on the matrix, she finally tested out the AI. A hologram of a half-triange, half-square shape appeared with the triangle on the bottom and the square on the top. "Hello Creator Hari'Barel. Is there a particular topic you wish to discuss?" Eve said, like a normal AI would. Hari had already activated the function emergency console in case anything bad happened, she spoke back to the AI. "Nothing, Eve." and she then deactivated the AI.

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The Asari councillor was drawing out her credits on a chit, when she left the machine, and passed Vael, she looked at him and said "Remember, don't cross Aria, or you will cross me. Not sure whether you have ever faced an Asari commando unit before... few quarians have. Get the payment to me. This week, or i am afraid you will die." And she walked back to the citadel tower.


Morinth smiled. "They can't see me though okay?"


Aria crossed her legs and picked up her drink, draining the glass.

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"They won't, I got a plan when we get there." Actus said as he looked around the room, he didn't see a camera but he somehow felt that someone was watching them. He shifted uncomfortably on the bed, he continued to look until he saw the camera, it was well hidden into the wall like what C-Sec had at the offices. "Someone is watching us, you're going to have to keep the coat on for now." Actus whispered.
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OOC: I see what you did there.


Before the councilor left, Vael looked at her with a glare, when he finally reached the front of the small line. Vael took out his credit chit, sliding it into the machine and withdrawing about one thousand out of 3500 credits. He walked away, to the eastern Presidum Commons.


Hari deactivated the function emergency and opened the other side of the pillar. This side allowed function modifying, such as allowing the AI to fly the ship or take hold of combat systems. Hari modded the AI so that it could take control of the combat systems when in direct contact with a ship. She activated the AI again. "Hello Creator Hari'Barel. Is there a particular flaw in this intelligence?" the AI said. "No. It's not really that good, but it's not bad." replied Vael. "Yes, understood Hari. Logging out." The AI deactivated automatically by itself.

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