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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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"Well, maybe it's time to forget what you did, let's find your sisters, do whatever you need to do, and forget everything, start anew. I know it sounds farfetched but I think It's the only thing you can really do at this point. A life is a life, it can't be split or broken, only mended to what you believe is right." Actus said deeply.
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"Then you should stick to that, it may be weird to other people, but that's how you are and you should embrace it. I won't change you, the world won't change you, Hell, the universe won't change you. That's what makes you unique Morinth, suicide or throwing your life away isn't going to help. There are people who look at you as a corrupted criminal, but I got to know the real you. I know you don't kill for just the hell of it, but most people won't understand that." Actus said looking back at Morinth.
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"A dangerous and criminal world... but i am glad i met you. I am glad i gave you... a life. Outside of C-sec and sorting out there messes. You can live to the full now, feel the thrill... until you get older, then we can settle down, and... i would say children but you know." Morinth said with a pretty smile.
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Actus smiled, "That is true, you did get me out of C-Sec. I can do what I always wanted to do. I will always be grateful that I met you. I don't know what I would have done if you've never shot me that day." Actus joked, and hugged Morinth.
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Actus laughed, "That she does, but at least were together." Actus said smiling, looking out the window also. He looked at Morinth's eyes, he didn't notice it before but her eyes were glowing brighter then they were before. "Your eyes are beautiful." Actus said softly.
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A man sat in front of a viewing window, staring out at his ship, the SSV Vancouver, his visage against the light of the citadel casting a dark shadow behind him. This still figure was interrupted by a courier with a message for him, which he took and thanked him. He was waiting for this message for what seemed like a life-time. Looking it over the man sighed before tucking it under his arm and walking towards the dock


"James." he radioed


"Lieutenant?" someone responded, masculine, and with an African accent.


"I'm on my way to the Vancouver."


"Should I prep her for launch?"


"No, we aren't leaving, not yet. Hackett wants us here at the Citadel for a bit longer before he gives us anything worth doing."


"More embassy junk?"


"Aye, more embassy junk. He told me someone outside of Udina has to be here for Terran refugees. Give them an example to follow. Not like Shepard isn't enough."


"Damn... I hate having to look good for the cameras. I'l go grab my dress blues."


"Not today Flight Lieutenant, your going to head to Purgatory and get some shoreleave, that's an order."


"I don't know if you'll be able to handle this without me, Sir."


"Objection noted. Now go and grab some ass for me."


"Aye, Lieutenant." he cut the link and entered the docking tube went through the pressurization process and walked on board to the chime of the computer telling everyone the captain had boarded the vessel. Not that it would matter with the Skeleton crew charged with keeping the ship running while everyone was on leave. Everyone tended to keep to themselves when in dock.


The man walked into his cabin and opened his personal terminal, 13 reports to read, four of them to follow up on, 8 of those to review, and the last one was about his current posting, from his mother on the SSV Fuji. With attached schedule about docking times with the Citadel. One projected date was in line with the day before his next order from the Admiral was expected to come in. "At least mom will be able to pay a visit." he murmured with a small smile on his face, but otherwise sighed and leaned back in his seat. He wasn't able to tell her much before the Reapers hit Earth, and he'll have a lot to tell her now. Especially with his command of the SSV Vancouver.


He looked over the cabin, waaay major upgrade from when his parents last flew on her. If he read up on his history of the frigate right, the old Vancouver was melted down and replaced by the SR-2 Normandy Class, just like her sister ships, the SSV Ain Jalut, Trafalgar, and Leipzig. At least his command was of a ship he knew, more or less. The Normandy was altogether a very different ship from the Vancouver. Her guts may be the same, but her personality was different. He also didn't have EDI making her more interactive. They would debate on topics such as history and tactics at times when he was working on the engineering systems with Adams. He might have been overseer of the project, but he couldn't just sit on his ass and wait for something to do.


He opened his mouth to ask about the battle of Normandy beach, which was a subject of much of their debates, but shut it again when he realized that regardless of his question, silence would be his only response. God he missed her, his work was excruciatingly boring without their 'firey' topics and intense debates. In a way, he envied the commander, having such a technology in his ship. EDI would be deadly to replicate, and he had to agree. But... even with all of his caution, he wanted to throw it all to the wind and give it a try. His wants didn't overcome the needs of his crew. Endangering them by installing an AI into the ship would be the stupidest mistake of his career. So, he sat back and suffered through the reports. Hoping that something would happen to at least make his job a bit more exciting currently.

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