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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Vael went back to the elevator, taking it to the Docking Bay, where the ship he came on was located. When the elevator stopped, Vael walked back to his and Hari's ship, looking at the arms of the Citadel as he went. He turned left and went over to his ship. "Time to see what's Hari's done." Vael said to himself.


Hari was surprised at the automatic deactivation. "I think I've made it self-aware." Hari smiled. She started modifying the AI's functions to instead take hold of the combat systems when it detects a enemy signature in contact, seeing as it is now self-aware. Vael came onto the ship, "Hari?" he asked. "In the AI core!" she responded loudly.

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Shadow walked through the embassies in full dress blues, heading for the earth councilors office. He hated this part of his work but, an officer must be a politician as well as a soldier at times. He had to make the calls that appealed to everyone in multiracial incidents. Sighing, he took a step inside report in hand, to meet with Udina's Asari Assistant.


"Oh, uh... The councilor isn't in?" The 30 year old biotic asked


"No, he isn't. He's in session with the council, I'm sure whatever you have can wait until after then."


"Yes it can. Lemme just drop off this report, and if you could notify him that I was here, I would be grateful."


"And you are?"


"Lieutenant Shadow Fulham Graham"


She nodded as if memorizing the name "Alright, I'll tell him you dropped by. Was there anything else you require?"


"No thank you..." he walked out of the office "Although you did just make my day." He smiled making his way towards the elevator to join the festivities in Purgatory, once he was out of this damnable dress uniform.


Making his way out of the elevator in bay D45 he narrowly avoided running into a keeper, and after that, a Turian, which made a comment about clumsy humans, one he didn't feel like pursuing. Once safely at the door leading into the Vancouver he allowed himself a moment of pause, enough to secretly destabalize the gravity in the turian's drink, just as he brought it to his mouth. The coughing turian drew eyes away from Shadow as his chuckling form slid into the airlock without a single sound but the door closing.


About 20 minutes after that, Shadow walked out of the Vancouver in casual wear pulling his shirt, tightly against his body, and sliding a light black jacket over that. with a careful smile he made his way towards the elevator, spawning a micro-singularity in his hand to juggle two rocks and his military I.D. All while making sure it was contained enough, and he was using the maximum amount of biotic power he could.


The result being the rocks were flowing in an atom like fashion around the ID which was spinning at such a rate as to cut through flesh with the slightest amount of distraction. He had learned to do this and walk(while not running into anyone) over time, specifically, he mastered the technique around age 29 and felt proud that he could multitask(although this was relatively minor multitasking) without missing a beat and killing someone. But he didn't want to tempt fate, so he never pushed his biotics harder then what he established, which was a relativly fast speed, enough to hurt someone, but not fatally wound them. Even then, he was always walking at a decreased pace from everyone else around them. as much concentration on the orb in his hand with the painful objects as possible.

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Hunter walked back to his quarters and quickly opened a new bottle of whiskey, he knew he shouldn't be drinking but he couldn't help his urges. Hunter walked back outside to still see the kids playing cards and the mothers chatting away. Hunter smiled, it reminded him of one of his comrades in the Military, she was a mother who had to pay her child's education and care, but she was a huge chatter box. He pulled out his pistol and looked at the notches he put in the side, he counted almost 150. Hunter didn't like killing but he knew that it was his only lifestyle at this point.


"You're a Mercenary aren't you?" A small, faint voice said from behind him.


Hunter turned around to see a young, beautiful female Caucasian, around her 20's. Hunter put his pistol away and he observed the girl for a minute.


"Yeah, I am. Why do you ask?" Hunter asked, in his strong Russian accent.


"Russian too? Well, I've never really seen a Mercenary before. What do Mercenary's do?" The woman replied.


Hunter sighed, he didn't want to be a Mercenary, but it paid the bills. "We hurt other people for money," Hunter said faintly.


"You mean kill, you don't have to lie to me Mr...?" She asked.


"Hunter Cherkesov, and you are...?" Hunter said.


"Liz, you don't need to know my last name." She said.


"Alright then, Liz. What brings you on the ship?" Hunter asked.


As Hunter said that, someone called Liz toward the back of the ship. Liz turn around and started to walk toward the voice, "I'll talk to you later, alright?" Liz said walking off.

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"I love them, they make you stand out." Actus said, staring into Morinth's eyes. His heart began to race again, as he slowly leaned forward and kissed Morinth with extreme passion, he moved his hand up against Morinth's cheek and softly and slowly rub his hand against her cheek as he kissed her again more deeply. Actus didn't know what he was feeling, but didn't want it to stop.



Later that night, there was a knock at Hunter's door, he already knew who it was but he opened the door anyway. There stood Liz again and Hunter stepped aside and Liz walked into the room, she looked around as he shut the door. "We didn't finish our conversation, me and my mother are going to the Asari home-world to do some business there." Liz said.


"Ah, well since were exchanging why were on the ship, I've been hired to take down an Asari fugitive that's been on the run for awhile. I've gotten a tip that she will be on Thessia in the next couple of days." Hunter said.


"That sounds interesting, how are you going to kill her?" Liz said excitedly


Hunter was surprised that she was excited to hear that he would kill someone... "Killing someone isn't fun Liz, you shouldn't think that way." Hunter said coldly.


"It is though! It's the ad-..." Liz said as she just realized what she said.


"Wha-...What? is there something wrong with you?" Hunter said, reaching for his pistol.


Liz quickly ran out the door afterwards, Hunter now had to keep an eye on the passengers and her. This trip is going to be fun...

Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Vael opened the AI's core door and looked at Hari. She was now inspecting the parts of the pillar, watching them carefully. "So..this is part of your overhaul of the ship?" Vael asked, crossing his arms. "Yes, it is. Just starting with the AI core first, since it was malfunctioning like an hour ago." Hari replied, crouching down to see a wire that was cut. "There it is. That wire that caused the AI to control every system available on the ship, causing a quake in the ship. Better fix it." Hari continued. "Do you know when you'll be done?" Vael asked. "Don't know, but I wish that omni-gel was back." Hari laughed, putting her hands into the cut wire. "Sometimes you do, sometimes you don't. I'm going to the bar on the Citadel." Vael said, going into the airlock.


"Be seeing you."

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Shadow continued on his slow pace, theorb still twirling about his things in his hand deciding to try something new, he slowed the speed of the rotations to a crawl and expanded the singularity a bit, to the point where it was covering a third of his arm(top down) and moved it to center on his palm, then he slowly increased the speed of the rotations till he hit his concentrational limit, I.E. when the singularity starts growing a large black hole in the center and the field itself begins to waver, that's when he slowed everything down to a stop, then cut the singularity from existence. dropping the items back into his hand.


once finished, and sufficiently sure his Biotics wouldn't act up for the rest of today, he smiled and stepped on the elevator smoothing out a pebble with a bit of the biotics. it was an idle thing, and nothing risky, something to keep his hands occupied when his mind was elsewhere.

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Shadow's gaze didn't flickered lightly from the Quarian back to the pebble in his hand, once suitably happy with the amount of wethering he did, he set the pebble away and stared at the wall as the elevator jumped into motion "I heard the Quarian fleets are moving to take back Rannoch. A friend of mine was called back from her pilgrimage for the event. What brings you to the citadel?" he asked, an image of the fiery young quarian jumping into his mind. He chuckled to himself lightly 'I guess getting stuck in dock does more good then bad in that case.'
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Noah Ward sits at the bar in Purgatory and asks for the strongest thing they have that won't kill humans. The bartender begins to pour into the glass, but Noah stops him and slides his credit chit across to the bartender.

"I'll take the bottle"

The bartender gives him the bottle and charges his credit chit as Noah takes a long draught from the bottle, draining a quarter of it, then puts it down, giving no reaction whatsoever to the taste of the large amount of liquor he just drank.

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