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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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"Cerberus has changed since i left...these new troopers are full of tech... so i suppose that arc pistol would fare well against them. You are a tech expert right? judging by the cloak and all... well, we can combine biotics and tech to kill them.... Not too hard as long as we can take out the atlas." Miranda said peering out of cover, and firing a shot, hitting an trooper in the stomach.
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"Alright, I'll see if this pistol's any good." Hari said, before charging up the Arc Pistol. In a few seconds, the pistol fired and inflicted pain onto the Assault Troopers, shocking them to near-death. "Well, that worked out well." she said, getting back into cover.
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"Good, follow that up with a neural shock and i think we may have a plan. I can use warp to take out the troopers to, along with any other biotics. Also, that power conduit over there.... if we can open up the side panel, and fire a charged arc shot.... we could take them all out in one hell of an electric field." Miranda said, pointing to the conduit not to far from the troops and the women.
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Shadow looked out from behind cover, ducking his head back down again as gunshots riddled the top, he wasn't in any condition to do anything but shoot at current, so shoot is what he did, jumping up for a couple potshots before ducking back down. He needed to get to the Vancouver. "Were getting outta here." he called waving for the two to fall back to him before he began to radio for a shuttle to pick them up.
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"Good idea." Hari replied. She froze one of the troopers with her powers before burning the troop and freezing others. Before she got down, she managed to see that they were flanking Miranda and Hari. "They're flanking us, one of us needs to dispose those troops."


Vael got over to Shadow. "So what happens now? We're going to survive until that shuttle of yours picks us up?" Vael asked, shooting at the approaching troopers.

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"Consider it done." Miranda said, getting out of cover, as the troops approached she unleashed a heavy warp on them, ripping a few to shreds, then throwing others and shooting the rest.


Morinth looked d=over to see two Asari, very alike. "That... that is them.... look.." She said with a smile, gazing at her now grown up sisters.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Noah created an immensely powerful biotic barrier around himself and charged into the Cerberus troops, sending several flying. As he made impact he let out an electrical overload from his implants, electrocuting several more, he finished by generating a dozen biotic explosions underneath the feet of the Cerberus troops, launching haphazardly into the air. He began firing his shotgun at those that survived the onslaught. He found cover after a few seconds of concentrated fire had made it too difficult to maintain the barrier.
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Vael kept shooting at the troops, taking two down while getting into cover with Noah. He cloaked and rolled to the left, freezing the troops with his powers. The Atlas was distracted, trying to take down someone else. Vael got back into cover and pulled out his sniper rifle. Cloaking, he looked into the scope and sniped the Atlas in the back, hitting its core.
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