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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Shadow was taking potshots at everything, unable to use his biotics because of the draw on his body "Shuttle should be arriving soon, and the Vancouver is waiting just out of range of the Cerberus Cruisers. James is telling me he saw the Normandy jump out of FTL. The Commander should be on the station by now. Best to leave the rest up to Shepard." A stark blue shuttle rotated on the side of the battlefield, and coupled with Vael's shot to the Atlas, unloaded a couple rounds on it before moving to hover behind the group "Everybody on, now! Miranda, Noah, keep us covered."
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Noah switched from his shotgun to his pistol and began shooting, not being very particular with his aim, instead he focused on laying down as many rounds as he could to discourage the Cerberus troops from coming out of cover. At the same time, he created a large biotic barrier to protect the group against any incoming fire. "Go as fast as you can! I can't keep this up for long!" Edited by leirynot
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Vael ran to the shuttle, trying to get onto the shuttle. The troops couldn't get out of cover, blocked by Noah's SMG shots. Vael reached the gap between him and the shuttle. He leaped into it, switching to his sniper. "Shepard better have cleared this station by the time I return."
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Shadow hopped in the shuttle, taking over Noah's job of providing cover "Noah, Hari get in, Miranda, keep the barrier up till they are on, Noah, takeover once inside the shuttle." Shadow ordered riddling the troopers cover with bullets, and punishing whichever soldier decided to pop up with a face-full or mass accelerated metal.
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Actus nodded and looked around at the walls, he tried to see where there was a place that him and Morinth could jump on and climb over, after awhile he saw a gap in one of the walls, Actus got up and walked over to the gap. It seemed small enough for him to squeeze through, but he wasn't sure. Actus shrugged and squeezed through the gap without any problems.
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Hari got out of cover, vaulting over things that got in her way. She charged up her Arc Pistol and fired at the troops, cloaking when the shot hit. The shot stunned a few of them, leaving them in the open. Hari then deployed her Combat Drone in the middle of the battlefield, which was distracting the troops for a short time. After that, she ran up to the shuttle and leaped into it.
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Noah stopped firing, jumped, then dashed biotically, landing in the shuttle, then focused again to reenforce the barrier and began firing at the Cerberus troopers, adding to the barrage of rounds suppressing the Cerberus forces.
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"Yes.. i'll be on in just a moment." Miranda said holding up the barrier, waiting for the troops to get closer. as they did she pushed out, turning the barrier into a huge shock-wave, knocking the troops off there feet, and killing some... exhausted she walked over to the shuttle, and got aboard, slumping into a seat.


Morinth got through the gap a lot easier, and once on the other side she whispered "This place is...so calm... tranquil."

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