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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Neriane was told to Deploy to Benning, she got in a ship and arrived in a alliance base and took point in a watch tower,"Theres some nasty s**t out there," she said shooting her widow at a group of husk there heads exploding over Morinth.
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Morinth wiped the mess off her face, and said in a now ever so slightly synthetic voice "Open fire on the snipers!" And the cannibals and marauders complied, firing round after round of their Reaper tech guns at the sniper points.


As they got closer a group of alliance soldiers in a Mako. tried to stop Morinth and her forces, their resistance was met with annihilation, as morinth used powerful biotics to destroy there vehicle, and the cannibals devoured the soldiers corpses.


Closer and closer to the gate, Morinth signaled to her forces to open fire on the main gate...

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As the supply ship docked, Actus woke up from the violent and rough shaking of the ship. He saw a group of Alliance Military personnel run past him and up to the front of the ship. There wasn't any Alliance bases on Rocam... Actus thought. He slowly got up and went to see that the captain was pulled from the ship, handcuffed. Actus approached to the Alliance officer who was shouting orders.


"What's going on? Actus asked.

"This captain and ship have been reported to be smuggling Illegal goods." The officer said abruptly.

"Illegal goods? Like guns or medicine?" Actus said.

"Yes, now he's paying the price." The officer said coldly.


Actus nodded at the officer and got off the ship, he noticed he was on Arcturus Station, the station nearest to the planet Benning. He saw Alliance ships scrambling to leave the station. Actus finally noticed what was happening, he saw the Reaper ship on the planet's outer orbit... He quickly got to a terminal and got on a communication line between him and Commander Numin, who was eating his dinner in his office.


"Co-... Min!" Actus said, as the line was weak.


Commander Numin, looked over to see Actus on screen. He walked over and sat next to his personal terminal.


"What do you want Actus?" Commander Numin said strongly.

"Ben-... Attac-... S... Help!" Actus said hastily.

"What? What's under attack?" Commander Numin asked.

"Bennin-... Rea-...-" Actus managed to say, before the connection finally terminated.

"Hello? Commander?" Actus said, as finally the screen messaged opened up: "Connection Lost"

"What?! No!" Actus said angrily, as he ran off to see the last of the Alliance Soldiers bored a ship and he was the last to get on.

Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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OOC; Considering there would be hundreds of husks, and equipped with a widow that would take a VERY long time, but i will let that slip this time.


Morinth did not falter when many of the husks died, as they were easily replaceable, the cannibals and marauders began to break down the gate, but it was taking too long... so a brute was deployed, as it landed there was a loud bang, and it went charging at the main gate, smashing it down, then the Reaper forces flooded into the Alliance base.


Morinth floated up to the walkway above the gate, it looked like she was being carried by an unseen presence, as her body was limp, but she straightened out as the reached the top, she stepped onto the walkway and was face-to-face with a Soldier, she unleashed a powerful Spatial Distortion, ripping the man apart, she continued down the walkway, shouting orders to the reaper troops, and shooting soldiers in her way...

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Alex sat with two men around a table, talking and laughing. Suddenly a man burst in

"What is the meaning of this?!" The man Alex had been in the alley with earlier asked loudly

"Sorry, boss, but you guys are gonna wanna hear this!" he clicked a button and a distress call came in

"This is the allience base on Benning, we are under attack from the rea..." there was an explosion and it went off

"So what, why do we care, Collins?" Alex asked

"Yeah, whats it to us?"

"Starkiller, Jones, siIence. Collins I thought I made it clear we don't care about the alliance" The boss said

"I... My bro..."

"NO EXCUSES! I DON'T CARE!" The man retreated from the room "Well, this has been a nice event gentlemen, but I have to go and see to other affairs" the boss left, and Alex stood up and left the room as well


He went over to Collins "You shouldn't burst in on the boss like that"

"But my brother is on the colony! Are you just going to let him die?!"

"Collins, I..."


"James Collins! We both know your brother can handle himself..."

"Fine! I'll go!"

"James, don't be stupid! Your way to..."

"What? Young? You all think I'm a kid! I'm 14!"

"James! Your much to inexperienced to deal with that kind of threat, and you know your mother would be die of heart break if you went missing again!" James sighed, two years ago he left home for two days, his mother had cried all 48 hours, she was understandably angry when she learned someone had sold her 12 year old son alcohol and that he had gotten drunk.

"Please, Alex! I'll pay you!" he said, handing him a pitifully small amount "All my allowance!" Alex sighed, he took the small amount

"I'll come back with him, or the head of whoever killed him" he walked off towards the docks


Alex arrived a small way away from Benning, and saw the Reaper ship "No... f***ing... Way..." he said "Reapers..." he scrambled his ship and entered atmosphere, before flying over the alliance base, shooting at a few husk, then coming round and landing on a platform in the base, he quickly got out, the soldiers were to busy with the reapers to pay him any attention, he quickly raised his gun and moved round, lucking for James's older brother, an Alliance soldier.



OOC: Post the rest in a bit, can't be arsed to continue right now

Edited by Brutii
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Neraine pulled out her pistol and started to shot the enemies coming into her watch tower over run she she shot violently killing many creatures until she was taken hostage and brought to Morinth her recon hood ripped off and blood run down her face.
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Upon reaching the base, Actus saw the Reapers were already in the base, since Actus had his C-Sec officer uniform on, the Alliance soldiers didn't question why he got on. The squad officer was giving orders, the ship was about to touch down. One of the Reapers shot one of the jets off, sending the ship crashing down on the landing pad. Actus slowly crawled out of the burning wreckage. He turned on his side, to notice a very deep gash on his hip. The Reapers surrounded his and kicked him in the face, Actus was knocked out and brought to the Commander (Morinth).
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Morinth smiled at Neriane, she followed the blood with her cybernetic eyes and gripped the woman by the throat, lifting her from the ground. "See what i have become? Organic and Synthetic joined in one... the strengths of both, the weaknesses of neither... But that is me, you are still an organic sack of blood... sweet ass." Morinth said as she violently brought her knee into Neriane's stomach. "Go play." Morinth said with a sadistic smile, she threw Neriane off the walkway, and as she fell, Morinth unleashed a biotic throw upon the woman, smashing her into the ground. "Kill her." Morinth uttered to her Husks, and they jumped down, running for Neriane, while morinth continued to murder the soldiers on the walkway...


Morinth continued her murderous spree until Actus was brought to her, she looked at him and said "My my... two captured and brought to me... how lucky am i? Morinth said turning, not before Actus had the chance of a good look at her Cybernetic neck. "Wondering why i am here? the reapers... upgraded me... least i could do was murder under their banner... better than on my own. But i don't have time to play with you just yet... although if you survive i will take great pleasure in killing you later... Bye." Morinth said, kicking Actus in the jaw swiftly, before throwing him off the walkway...

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Alex pulled a man out a wreckage "Hugh Collins? Where is he?" he asked, but the man was dead, Alex tapped a soldier on the back "Hugh Collins? Where is he?" He asked, and the soldier pointed towards a man lying flat on the ground. "s***!" Alex swore, run over and checked his pulse, relieved the man was only unconscius, he brought him round "You good Hugh?"

"Who the f*** are you?"

"Your brother wants me to save you"

"What about the battle", Alex turned his head, and pointed at the majority of bodies

"To me, that looks like the aftermath of a battle, we need to flee"

"I can't desert"

"Does it look like an officer is around? It's suicide to keep fighting, and it's suicide to surrender to these freaks, running away is the only option"

"How are we getting out?"

"I have a small ship, we'll get onboard. It's over there, now go warm it up"

"Whats to stop me fleeing with it?"

"It's DNA encoded, you can start it but only someone in the system can use it, now hurry!" Hugh ran off to warm it up and Alex followed giving covering fire

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