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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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"I helped Aria take over Afterlife.. then when we were escaping from Omega, her thugs came along and asked us to come with them. I was actually that foolish to kill the thugs and get away from that sh*thole. Now we were heading for the Citadel, and our docking bay was crowded with dead bodies and krogan mercenaries, we managed to sneak to the elevator, but after that.. we got caught by the Asari Councilor. So to conclude the whole situation, I have to give Aria something of value, much like my Pilgrimage." Vael said.
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"S***. You are in pretty deep Vael... i advise you to stay on her good side... even Shephard is not bold enough to stand up to Aria." Miranda said.


Aria sat with her legs crossed thinking over the situation, once she had finished it she got another drink, and downed it in one.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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"Then i hope you all can use your words to move her then... she is a very tough woman... hard to persuade. But she hates cerberus more than anyone, you tell her this plan, and she will help. Now, we are reaching the docks... this is where i take my leave of you i am afraid." Miranda said, an inkling of hope returned to her in these people.


Morinth cautiously approached her sisters, she looked at the girls and started conversation.... At first they were scared... but then they broke into tears that there sister had returned, and after a few hours of looking around the Monastery, Morinth stood with Actus at the exit. "They are lovely girls... so strong willed."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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"Good luck with whatever your mission may be Miranda," Noah said, "but, I want to know, how did Aria get Cerberus off of Omega? Even with all of the mercenary groups behind her I doubt she could have done it through force."
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"I should also add that I got shot-down by Cerberus and crash-landed onto Omega. Aria wiped out the Cerberus ship for us, but we were going to land on Omega anyway. Then I sent out a distress signal, Aria came and I was forced to help her take over Afterlife. A lot of Cerberus was in there, along with an Atlas. However, she managed to take back Omega and it pretty much follows on from there." Vael said.
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Actus stood and waited for Morinth at the exit, after she stepped out and listened to what she had too say, he was actually surprised. "Well, I'm guessing it's good to finally get this off your chest." Actus said as he looked at the overlapping hills in the background. Actus sighed as he turned and look at Morinth, "So... What now?" Actus asked.
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