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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Aria smiled lightly and said. "Some-days i have to hold myself up with a spine of steel.... i have a reputation of being the coldest *censored* in the galaxy... believe it or not i have a heart, feelings, i cry, have up days, down days. But i suffered what no... well no Mother ever want's to. Cerberus killed my Daughter.... and it gets to me that i cannot do a thing about it. Still, you don't want to hear my burdens." Aria said without emotion on her face.


Morinth looked back at Lessus one last time and said. "Another step towards a new life eh?"

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Actus laughed, "Always." he replied. However, as they approached the first station, he continued too look at the map. When they got clearance too land, Actus docked the ship. He got up and headed toward the exit. "I'm going to get something really fast, you can do whatever you need too do." Actus said as he left, he needed to grab a package, that has been sitting here for a while now. Actus approached the locker that the package that it was in, he opened the locker too still see the package, locked tight like it should be. Actus quickly grabbed the package and returned to the ship. "Sorry, I had to grab a package really quick." Actus said as he started up the ship again.
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Actus smiled back, he turned the ship around, and left the docking area, eventually leaving the whole station. Actus switched on the auto-pilot, he grabbed the package, which was locked by a cybernetic key, which his friend has. "I wonder what kind of bomb it is..." Actus said with a curious tone. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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"That's what I thought too, but he said it's for private reasons. I wouldn't think it would be for the Reapers..." Actus said, looking at Morinth, the light above their heads shined down on her skin, making it glow faintly. "You look so beautiful right now..." Actus said.
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