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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Actus stared at her for a second, before he finally responded. "Yes, we do..." Actus said, as he heard a couple of the creaking sounds. Actus looked at her glowing skin again, he didn't know why, but felt... safe, he quickly leaned over from his seat and kissed Morinth, as he realized what he did, which seemed really random and awkward, "Oh... sorry." Actus said softly.
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Actus felt relieved for some reason, but he looked back out the window. "Alright then, after we're done with Palaven, we'll go to Omega." Actus said. He didn't know why, but all of a sudden he felt awkward around Morinth, as if they just met or something. Actus rubbed his face with his hand, trying too forget the thought.
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After a few hours of silence, still about 2 hours away from Palaven, Actus looked at Morinth, her skin still glowing, and her eyes. "About two more hours..." Actus said softly, still feeling weird, he shifted in his chair awkwardly.
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Actus sighed and turned back, staring out the window. The next two hours went by extremely fast, as they approached Palaven, they were almost immediately granted access to the docks. Which seemed odd, but Actus wanted to get this over with. As the ship docked with a couple of loud: "Clanks", Actus got up and yet again walked toward the exit, "I'll be back in 10 minutes, if it goes alright." Actus said. As he left, he grabbed the locked package and left for the house of his friend. Surprisingly, he greeted him, gave him the package, and left. "Easy..." Actus said quietly to himself. When he got back on the seat, yet again he was almost immediately granted access to leave, yet again was suspicious. Actus re-directed the auto pilot to Omega, and he leaned back. He felt better then he did before. "Sorry if I was acting weird earlier, I feel better now." Actus admitted.
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