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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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"You should be asking yourself that. Not me." Morinth said honestly, she got up and walked to the loading bay. "Follow the signs to Afterlife if you are looking for somewhere you won't get stabbed... wait scrap that, you might get stabbed there too... I will meet you in a while, i know a guy who can get us a decent ship.." Morinth said, and disappeared into the black of Omega.
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Actus sighed as he left the ship. He followed the signs but he was generally left alone from the people of Omega, as he approached the Afterlife, he heard the dark beat of the music, echoing through the station. He walked through the front door, the whole club was filled with dancers, and gang members. Actus found and empty table. He was soon greeted by a dancer, who gave him a drink. Actus relaxed a bit and waited for Morinth.
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Aria was watching the club as she stood for a moment longer, before walking down the steps of her private lounge, and going to the bar, rare for Aria, she usually got a lackey to get her drinks for her. She got a few drinks and looked over at Actus, she scowled at him, mistaking him for his father, she was unsure what to do... it would be easy to kill him, but she had already murdered Shiana and caused a 'Mess'.
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After a few more drinks, Actus felt a little tipsy, but he felt as though he was being watch, of course he always felt being watched. However, he continued to drink a little bit more, after his 6th shot, he decided that being drunk right now isn't the best option. He quietly waited around for Morinth.
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Aria decided to return to her booth... for now, but she made sure Actus was watched intently...


Morinth arrived about half an hour later and sat down next to Actus. "Well... that was an annoying deal, ended up wiping out a gang. Fun. Anyway i got us a brilliant ship, perfect condition, and highly valued... prototype cannon of some kind or other. So how are you?"

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"Alright then... well, do you want to leave right now or catch some sleep?... Well I would but you know. Anyway, I've been doing pretty good so far, little tipsy but still focused." Actus said, still paranoid about someone watching him. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Actus put the key in his shirt pocket, before the thug approached him, Actus swore under his breath as he got up from his seat. He followed the thug to Aria, the VIP section was rather nice and comforting, he slowly sat down across the seat from Aria.
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Actus was confused on what she was talking about, he's never been to Omega to his whole life... As he saw the rifle to his head, he kept calm. He's been in these type of situations before. "What are you talking about? I've never been to Omega my entire life." Actus said.
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