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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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"Don't play dumb Illo, you know exactly what i am talking about... ten years back, you decided to interfere in my affairs, screw up my trading deal, and lose me a hell of a lot of money... You are lucky your son was safely hidden away, or i would have hurt you through him. Speaking of which he and his partner were after a file about you... i can only assume you escaped facing your son on benning? Still, that is none of my concern. Revenge is." Aria said the last part coldly and stared at him with a Steele gaze.
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Now Actus knew, there was no-way of this. He breathed deeply as he tried to think of something too say, "Look, I don't know what you're talking about, but..." Actus froze for a second, he sighed and decided it would be best this way, if Morinth knew what happened she could escape. "I'm... Actus." Actus said slowly.
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Actus sat quietly, obviously this is going down, fast. He needed to think of a plan to get out of here, and to Morinth's apartment. Actus looked around to observe the guards around Afterlife, each one that he could see was heavily armed, but they didn't seem smart. Actus looked back at Aria, obviously she was the brain of the operation. Actus sighed, it was hopeless.
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Actus's breath became short and loud, he knew she was dead serious about this, he had one chance, but he didn't know... As he saw the ball of biotic energy in her hand, he had to take it. "I don't think Morinth would agree." Actus said firmly.
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Aria smiled, looking very amused. "Morinth? Ha! I own that little Ardat Yakshi... she can try whatever she likes... her biotics can be enhanced by whatever Reaper tech she want's... You still don't get the effect of a Matriarch." Aria said standing up. playing with the ball, before turning and using pull on Actus, holding him in place. "Now then... do you like sudden drops?"
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