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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Actus's heart sunk, he quickly looked around to see if there was anywhere he could grab when he fell, but the bionic power restricted his head in one position, soon he was almost to the top of the club, he was now frantically looking around. His breathing was now loud and out of control. He knew from this height, he could easily die from the fall. All he could do know is pray, and hope for the best.
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Actus slammed against the wall in the upper level floor. as he fell, he repositioned himself to his shoulder would take most of the force, as he hit the bar table he heard a loud *Crunch*, he knew his shoulder broke, and he fell on his side, he felt one of his ribs move out of place. Actus moaned in agony as he slid off the table. He was in too much pain to move.
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"That hurt? Good, that crunch was music to my ears." Aria said sadistically looking at Actus in pain. "But we need more... you can never have too much pain..." She said lifting Actus up once more and just slamming him onto the floor hard, with no holding back. She then sat back down and looked at him in the centre of the room. "Someone take a picture."
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Actus, now bleeding furiously, looked at Aria in astonishment, how could she enjoy this? He spit the blood that was in his mouth on the floor. He hoped that this would be over soon, Actus was surprised that he survived the first time. His only hope now would be luck at this point.
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After an hour, Actus left mostly patched up. His whole body was still hurting every time he moved or breathed, he quickly went to the apartment where Morinth was staying. He hastily slammed the door open before he collapsed, he landed on his front chest, which moved his ribs around even more, Actus moaned in agony as he couldn't move anymore. Actus was at the line between conscious and unconscious.
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