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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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After Actus was laid down on the bed, he couldn't talk. The amount of pain he was in distracted him from saying anything, every time he breathed, his ribs would move, scraping whatever it rested on. After a little bit of time, he muttered: "Aria." and fell unconscious.
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Morinth looked hurt and put her hands in her head. "s***." Was all she could say. Despite standing a chance against Aria in a biotic fight... she would not risk it... and all the favours Aria has done for her... Morinth knew she couldn't do anything but comfort Actus's pain, so she fetched some painkillers and a drink for him,and put them on the nightstand.


"A harsh but necessary course of action Garka, i wan't this sent to Illo, and i want it clear that he is my enemy... my personal enemy." Aria said coldly... and the picture Of Actus broken before Aria, was sent to his father...

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Actus awoke some time later, he felt better, but not by much. Actus slowly turned his head to see the painkillers and the glass of water, he quickly grabbed the bottle of medicine and he managed to put 3 pills in his mouth, and drank the whole glass of water. He looked around the room, it was quite nice and looked expensive. However, he realized that him and Morinth were now stuck here until he healed... "Morinth..." Actus called out quietly.
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Actus smiled, it must have been hard for her to see him like this... he reached over and put his hand ontop of Morinth's hand, "I know this isn't your type of thing, I'm sorry that I had to put this burden on you..." Actus said softly.
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Actus laughed, but his chest began to hurt and stopped. He hated being useless, much less being taken care of, but Morinth made him... Actus couldn't even describe a word for her, she changed her whole life just for him... "I should get some rest, I love you Morinth." Actus said quietly.
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