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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Actus nodded, he closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep. Of course, he couldn't fall asleep. The pain through his whole body kept him awake, but he pretended the sleep. Hopefully Morinth wouldn't know that he wasn't sleeping. As time went by, Actus was still trying to fall asleep, he twisted his body to the side, but the pain only escalated, he ignored it for now as he faked his breathing also.
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Actus did what he was told, he relaxed and started to breath slowly, and he closed his eyes. His muscles felt... relaxed, healed even. The pain that was bothering him went away, he felt like he was held in a hug with her, he quickly fell asleep, he dreamed about him and Morinth, in a smaller house in a big city. He wasn't really sure what it meant, but he tried to think of something else, but every time he tried it always returned to that house.
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Morinth left Actus to sleep and sat on the Sofa, she sighed and sat, gazing out of the window at Omega. That is when she got a call from none other then Miss T'loak, apologizing for hurting Actus, but explaining her reason. Once the call was over morinth sighed... she could not blame Aria for her actions, and thanked her that she did not kill Actus.
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When Actus awoke, he noticed Morinth left. He thought to himself about what he dreamed about, It was really rare for him to remember dreams, but for this one... He remembered each and ever detail. It was incredibly odd, Actus thought that he should tell Morinth about it, but he figured it can wait. Actus's shoulder felt out of place, he didn't feel anything though. Actus grabbed his shoulder and twisted, hearing the bone crack back into place. Again, he didn't feel a thing. Whatever Morinth did to him, it worked like a charm. Actus moved his legs, also weren't in pain. He sat upward, on the edge of the bed and finally he could observe the apartment. It was quite nice in a way, he got up and opened the door to see Morinth, sitting on the sofa outside of his room. "Morning," Actus said, smiling.
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