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Clothing Bypass IS Effect?


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I'm working on one of my first REAL mods (more than just changing the sounds, fire rates, and general effects of weapons, and so on) and I've created a tear gas grenade, that lowers perception almost entirely, makes targets flee, and damages the chest as well. I've also added a custom image space effect that's similar to the DemoEyeAdjust effect and the Poisoned IS effect put together, to imitate being blinded by tear gas. This effect of course only effects the player, but since it would be used in close quarters for flushing out rooms. I wanted to create an armor enchantment for, say, biker goggles that would negate the blindness effects if you wear them when using it. I've never really scripted anything more than a door locking and unlocking in a tutorial, so I only have an idea how I'd accomplish this, but no idea where to start. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Tl;Dr - how do I add an armor enchantment that bypasses a custom, blinding image space effect when you wear them?

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I would try making a form list with the goggles in it (so that mod added gas masks can be more easily added) and contain the script effect for the grenade in an if statement that checks to see if the actor has an item from the form list equipped...Something like:


if targetRef.getEquipped protectiveGearList != 1

;bad stuff happens

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I'd combine uhmatt's method of periodically checking if the player has an item from a formlist equipped, with checking if the imagespace is active (IsImageSpaceActive), and then removing it if both conditions check out (rimod).


Something like the following in a 2-second quest script or something:

if IsImageSpaceActive YourImageSpaceModifier

   if playerref.GetEquipped TheFormList

      rimod YourImageSpaceModifier


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I'm having some trouble getting the scripts to even save, let alone test them. Is there something I'm forgetting? I right click, new, in the scripts list, start with " scn ChemicalWeaponFXBlockSCRIPT " and then try to type the scripts that I've been given here, just as they appear, substituting the obvious placeholders but it refuses to let me save. I haven't scripted much before but I didn't have this problem then.
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When you can't save a script, it has syntax errors. You need the "Power Up" plugin to get those messages telling you what is wrong. Please see the 'Solutions to "Garden of Eden Construction Kit" (G.E.C.K.) problems' section in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide. You may also find some help in the "Scripting" section tutorials in the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I do have another question now thinking about it. How would I script something to ALSO bypass the actual effects of the chemical weapons? Since my tear gas grenade would be useless towards NPCs if all it did was add an ImageSpace effect, I've also made the explosion effect take 1 HP per second for 30 seconds, and temporarily reduce perception to near nothing. This of course would effect the player even if I get the goggle script working, which kinda defeats the whole purpose of them. I was thinking about using something similar to the Auto-Inject Stimpak script or the Snakebite Tourniquet script so it automatically removes the poison. Would that work? Is there also a way I could add that effect to a Form List like what was recommended I do with the ISFX bypass so that enemies wearing goggles/masks/etc would also not be effected by it? Am I making this far too complex for what it's worth?


Similarly, I'd like to have the grenade explosion cause enemies to flee, since yknow it's tear gas. I don't think the Terrifying Presence script works for that. I tried it at one point if I remember correctly and it didn't do anything.

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