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skyrim getting boring


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For me, the OMG moment was when I first stepped into a river and realized that I actually had to fight the current. That added a whole new level of immersion, and it was a great idea on Bethesda's part. Unfortunately, like many elements of the game, it was released half-finished, and so the currents never really felt like obstacles - more like a minor new cosmetic feature.


All that changed when I discovered OpticShooter's Water and Terrain Redux mod. Currents are actually something to be feared with this beauty installed - it's not hard to be swept downriver and off a cliff! Not only that, but the appearance of the water is greatly improved, particularly when running a realistic ENB mod. I'd have to say it's one mod that really livened things up for me.


plus one on that.


I only wish there was an easy way to change the waterfall LODs so they are animated instead of static.

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yeah, the game is pretty boring


for me it's the way that nothing ever changes because of your actions


become archmage?...everyone still talks to you like dirt and say they don't know you

destroy DB? ..... yet noone cares



you could be level 50 done loads and you should be pretty well known but ppl talk to you as if you are nobody all the time, the civil war changes absolutely nothing within the world etc etc the list goes on

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It's repetative, I think. Too many dungeons that look the same as the last one, and its been a long time since I stumbled on anything that got me excited.


Also, somehow Skyrim is starting to feel smaller and more... shallow, I think, than both Oblivion and Fallout 3 did. In both those games, there was a sort of mood that made me feel like my characters was really living in this world the game presented me with. In Skyrim, I keep feeling like a stranger with no place to call home. Even my actual homes are just places to store excess loot. It's weird because when I started playing Skyrim I was convinced it was much better than Oblivion, and in many ways it is, but... After all these hours, it's like something vital is missing that I can't put my finger on. :confused:

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Let's just review oblivion and skyrim for one second and go back to when oblivion was first released read the first page in technical section. oblivion with 0 mods everyone was complaining how they really liked morrowind better. I never even played morrowind. i only tried it once but the graphics was so crap i removed it after 2 minutes.


Every game will eventually have it's own fanbase who stick by it to the end others will just get borred and move on. That is how gaming is.

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sadly i uninstalled oblivion simply because i had to move on from it, im going to get skyrim for the pc. in ways i like oblivion better but the problem is that ik the game inside and out plus its hard to play it when i have no controller, my last reason is that nobody is making oblivion mods because everyone moved on to skyrim. truthfully i like the game skyrim and all i was saying is that i prefer oblivion over skyrim. if they were to make all new quests for the game with the same place and mostly the same creatures i would play it, but there not going to do that so i might as well play skyrim and mod the heck out of it
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I just installed skyrim the other day and have about 20 hours in. I installed a couple must have mods and dove right in. I love it, of course because it's new but i can understand what most of you have said in this thread. At some point it will get boring and if that point is 400 hours, then I think I got my money's worth ;)


I should point out that I actively stopped playing Diablo 3 for of a lot of reasons, and thankfully so decided to switch tracks.

Edited by Dingo07
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I think maybe Oblivion has that "new" factor, assuming that most of you started with Oblivion. I can't speak for those who started with Morrowind. Skyrim is definitely better than Oblivion, but the theme is the same. As someone said before, the guild quests are quite short. Not sure about the main quest-line, I've never finished Oblivion and so far I haven't finished Skyrim either. I like to take my time and explore. I should probably finish the main quest soon though. Radiant might make it extra bitchy for me considering I'm really high level relative to my stage in the main story. Not to mention, I haven't done any enchanting yet.
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