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skyrim getting boring


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How many people remember eating a great meal at a hotel? Probably close to zero. And do you know why? Because hotels try to cook so all of their guests can eat there. Hence, relatively bland meals. The same is happening to TES. Rather than building an awesome game for a particular clientele, they tried to maximize sales by creating a game that appealed broadly. Unfortunately, in doing so, the product is growing stale quickly because there is so little spice. With Oblivion, modders stepped up with some truly awesome offerings, from Hoarfrost and Glenvar Castles to The Lost Spires and Tears of the Fiend and Kvatch Rebuilt and on and on and on. This has yet to occur with Skyrim. The delay of the CS release didn't help and snappy graphics only go so far.


And another thing, I'm always freezing and blinded by snow.

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Skyrim need more mods to start be more interesting. For example Emma's companion Vilja in Oblivion is so perfect, I do not even think to play without her. And then you got Emma's houses tailored for Vilja. Just listening to her chatting make my day. If stuff like this will be in Skyrim, the game will jump to different dimension, like Morrowind and Oblivion did thanks to modders like Emma, Grumpy, Korana and tons of others. Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim are good games. With mods they are Excellent!

Just my two cents,


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Skyrim is missing it's soul sometimes. Remember the times in oblivion when you could just explore someones house illegally and discover something you had never seen before? You could break into every house in whiterun and not a singe secret. At all. The characters are stale too. Blackreach is amazing though. Why can't every part of the game have similar flare of creativity? Where are the rainbows after rain? The crystal forests? And for god's sake: if I have to kill another bandit I'll cry. The diversity in enemies is abysmal.


That said, I will be buying dlc day 1 because I still like this game. I think we've all just exhausted all there is to do in this game.

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LOL this is a great thread. I thought I was the only one who thinks Skyrim is not very interesting. I agree with 99% of what people have posted. I'll add this. I miss listing to AI's talk about rummer's. Town's are boring when you walk around them. Also, (this is a little off topic) the fact that the creation kit is junk and can actually break your game, makes this game hard to spice up and to get a player really interested in the world of Skyrim. Oh, I know there is third party software that can help. But, compared to Oblivion's CS the Skyrim CK should come with a warning. In Oblivion, almost on the fly you could go into the CS and make an area more to your liking by removing or adding things to make the world more immersive. In Skyrim what you do is a gamble...and that to me is game breaking.
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So for all the people saying oblivion isn't as boring, would it still be worth getting a copy do you think ?


For what you'd pay for Oblivion, which is 15 or 20 bucks, sometimes $5 on Steam, it's definitely worth it. Oblivion has a huge, advanced base of mods, many of which can turn it into one of the best games you will ever play.

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So for all the people saying oblivion isn't as boring, would it still be worth getting a copy do you think ?


That depends. Are you OK with some archaic and outdated game design? It had more reason to explore. And it was more colorful which I liked. Oblivion is my favorite RPG even without mods. I should know I played it on PS3! :biggrin:


So is it worth it? You can't go wrong for $20 or less. (Or whatever currency your country uses) If you like Skyrim. You should in theory like Oblivion.

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I played Oblivion. It was fun, but the leveling was too easy and fast for me. I leveled up like three times just cuz I went on a small crime spree in Imperial City. Guards were very easy to kill, and citizens were even easier. The only time I ran into trouble playing Oblivion was when I met some Elven Guards, and tried to kill one to take the better armor. THOSE were pretty hard. But, other than that, Oblivion was not much of a challenge for me. Granted, I played it on XBOX, not PC, so I didn't have the vast selection of mods at my fingertips, but still. Vanilla Oblivion was kinda stale to me, and just too easy.


Skyrim on the other hand... Guards actually live up to their title of 'Guard.' They attack in groups, and killing just one is a pretty big accomplishment. Creatures are pretty decent in difficulty, too. You're not going to run into TOO much trouble with pesky wolves, but look out if you see a bear in Skyrim. Those'll tear you to pieces if you're not careful. I think bears are just a bit weaker than Giants. Giant's are HARD. Killing one is a freaking awesome achievement! You gotta go in really prepared if you want to fight a Giant. I'm talking poison and paralysis, a follower in the best gear you can give it, and all that good stuff. I like Skyrim a little more than Oblivion because it has that difficulty aspect that Oblivion didn't have at all. I can satisfyingly kill a guard, or a bear, or two giants, without thinking about how little of a challenge it was... because it WAS challenging. Then, you got the mods for Skyrim which make it look better, feel better, add more stuff, and a million other things. I'm not going to say Skyrim is the best game. That has yet to come. But, Skyrim certainly isn't as stale as others seem to say it is.

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