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Race height correction.


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So basically, I'm lookin' to correct some heights of races; I have the Oblivion Character Overhaul and I don't dig how it changes every races heights to make them basically the same height. I'd just like to know where I can find the ini or whatever so I can change the racial heights back to normal.

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Think you'll be looking at either TES4Edit or the Construction Set ... but are you certain it's OCOv2 to blame? The reason I ask is because this is the first time I can recall this issue being raised in relation to OCOv2, plus I use OCOv2 and different races have different heights (Altmer are tall, Bretons are short etc).

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Right you are ... just looked at it in TES4Edit and you can see that Wood Elves are male height 0.90 weight 0.95 female height 1.00 weight 0.90 in Oblivion.esm while in OCOv2 the male height is changed to 1.00 (with male weight and female stats remaining vanilla).


With the current bashed tags assigned the OCOv2 changes are carried over into the bashed patch. I do see bashed tags Body-Size-F and Body-Size-M listed in Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html but can't really say how you'd apply those in the current situation (i.e. can bashed tags be applied to Oblivion.esm??). I know that editing anything to do with NPCs in the Construction Set is a minefield morass of unintended changes happening once to touch one thing.

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The only ESPs that Seamless for OCOv2 includes are replacements for the extra ESPs added by EVE, and I seriously doubt that those will touch males at all.


The only option for you that I know of is to fire up the Construction Set and try to fix what you want without breaking anything else in the process (not a simple task). You may be able to fix just the height using TES4Edit ... can't say for certain as I've never tried something like that in TES4Edit myself.

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Arn't there any mods to fix at least the wood elves's height to make them shorter? Like say half the height of a high elf at least?


Edit: I actually have a mod for skyrim that fixes the heights of all races, to give them more distinctions than just the colors and consistancies of their skins, and the shapes of their ears. Pretty good mod, but the wood elves seem to need stepping stools now.

Edited by jpmonteith
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