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SetVehicle to "Actor"?


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In Skyrim, the setVehicle function allowed you to attach an actor to an ObjectReference. This could be used to attach characters to blank Static objects in order to lock that character into place and prevent them from moving due to collisions, clipping and so on.


However, in Fallout 4, setVehicle requires attaching to an Actor instead of an ObjectReference.


Is there a way to mimic the effect achieved in Skyrim with this new function?


I have tried "myStaticObjectReference as Actor" but that returns "None". Is there a way to make a "blank" actor to attach actual actors to?


Thank you for any help.

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I created a "blank" NPC character and tried attaching to that. Didn't work.
So, I decided to take a step further back and try simply attaching to any existing NPC in the game. That doesn't seem to work either:

Is there some flag or marker that needs to be set on an Actor in order for this function to work?


Has anyone used setVehicle with success at all?

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