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Is it possible to comment on pictures?


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In various mod pages, I stumble across some FANTASTIC stuff on the user submitted picture sections. Sometimes, I just really want to congratulate the person who took it, and show my appreciation. Other times, I have questions about the picture itself: "what collection of mods did you use to pull that amazing outfit together?". "What ENB or lighting mods are you using, I'd love for my game to look like that!". "You should totally share your Bodyslide setting, your character looks fantastic!". I kinda wish you could expand a picture, maybe click one of the corners, then have that take you to a small page where you can leave a comment on it The original poster would get notified that somebody had left a comment on one of their pictures, and can check in and see what folks have to say if they want. If this is already a thing, GREAT! How do I use it? If not, any plans to get something like this going in the future? Mod authors do a lot of great work, and their mods have a forum page where we can share our thoughts or ask questions. Picture takers probably don't need anything that extravagant, but a way to put our two cents in would be pretty nice. This site is FULL of artists who contribute in their own way, not just modders. I'd just like to know how I can let them know their contribution is appreciated, and maybe exchange a few words while I'm at it.

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That's not a thing as far as I know but you should be able to find the username of the person that took the image and pm them

I just came to ask how to do this? I used to do it all the time on the old site. Now it doesn't show the poster anymore.

Edited by dorn2
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It does show the poster. Unless I've totally misunderstood you. I can see who posted an image in the user submitted section of mods. Says on the image before clicking.

Edited by Niborino9409
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