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Crashing to desktop on load or new save options


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Ok so as title states game is crashing i have verified the game cache ran loot and tried doing a new game. The problem started appearing after i deleted some disabled mods (didn't know this could cause a problem) here is my papyrus log. help would be greatly appreciated

[12/10/2017 - 11:19:55AM] Papyrus log opened (PC)
[12/10/2017 - 11:19:55AM] Function GetEffectMagnitudes in the empty state on type Ingredient does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[12/10/2017 - 11:19:56AM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)
[12/10/2017 - 11:19:56AM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)
[12/10/2017 - 11:20:36AM] Cannot open store for class "RSVDisableScript", missing file?
[12/10/2017 - 11:20:43AM] Cannot open store for class "SexlabUtil1CalmHit", missing file?
[12/10/2017 - 11:20:43AM] Cannot open store for class "SexlabUtil1DispelDur", missing file?
[12/10/2017 - 11:20:43AM] Cannot open store for class "SexlabUtil1Cmd", missing file?
[12/10/2017 - 11:20:43AM] Cannot open store for class "SexLabUtil1Spell", missing file?
[12/10/2017 - 11:20:43AM] Cannot open store for class "SexLabUtil1Setup", missing file?
[12/10/2017 - 11:20:43AM] Error: Unable to bind script SexLabUtil1Setup to zSL_Util1 (4A000D62) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:20:43AM] Cannot open store for class "SexLabUtil1", missing file?
[12/10/2017 - 11:20:43AM] Error: Unable to bind script SexLabUtil1 to zSL_Util1 (4A000D62) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:20:43AM] Cannot open store for class "sam_questscript", missing file?
[12/10/2017 - 11:20:43AM] Cannot open store for class "_arissa_inpc_behavior", missing file?
[12/10/2017 - 11:20:43AM] Cannot open store for class "chherdingquestscript", missing file?
[12/10/2017 - 11:20:54AM] Cannot open store for class "hishbskinningscript", missing file?
[12/10/2017 - 11:20:54AM] Cannot open store for class "_Camp_TinderTypeScript", missing file?
[12/10/2017 - 11:20:58AM] Cannot open store for class "knm_mour_favordialogue", missing file?
[12/10/2017 - 11:20:58AM] Error: Unable to bind script knm_mour_favordialogue to 0_knm_mour_dfavorgeneric (77005E53) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:20:58AM] Error: Unable to bind script TrapBear to TweakTraps (7C00C515) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:20:58AM] Error: Unable to bind script traptriggerbase to TweakTraps (7C00C515) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:20:58AM] Cannot open store for class "SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201", missing file?
[12/10/2017 - 11:20:58AM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201 to (7C017201) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:20:58AM] Cannot open store for class "SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788", missing file?
[12/10/2017 - 11:20:58AM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788 to (7C017788) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:02AM] Error: Unable to bind script NoFlightAbilityScript to (8E002F9C) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:02AM] Error: Unable to bind script dialoguefollowerscript to (8E002F9C) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Property MyDamBed on script aaSexHouseCarlBreezeHomeSleepScript attached to alias Housecarl on quest aaSexWhoreHouseWhiterun (080253AF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (000CB42C) is not the right type
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property CWSiegeDefendObj on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property CWSiegeAttackObj on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property Work1 on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property Work2 on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property WhoreWH on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property WhoreSO on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property WhoreRI on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property WhoreMK on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property WhoreWR on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property Work3 on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property WorkScript on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias01 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias02 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias03 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias04 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias05 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias06 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias07 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias08 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias09 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias10 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Property SofiaOutfitScript on script SofiaClothingFix attached to alias SofiaRef on quest JJSofiaClothingFix (7404BAE3) cannot be bound because alias SofiaClothesStore on quest JJSofiaWardrobe (74061F70) is not the right type
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Property DialogueFollower on script FollowerAliasScript attached to alias Follower on quest 0_knm_mour_dialogue_all (77007945) cannot be bound because 0_knm_mour_dialogue_all (77007945) is not the right type
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Property DialogueFollower on script TrainedAnimalScript attached to alias Animal on quest 0_knm_mour_dialogue_all (77007945) cannot be bound because 0_knm_mour_dialogue_all (77007945) is not the right type
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Property Slots on script xpoanimation attached to xpoAnimation (6902BB0B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0903CE6C) is not the right type
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property OSysInputSound on script _oOmni attached to 0SA (13000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property OCinema on script _oOmni attached to 0SA (13000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property Nec2 on script TerynneAliasScript attached to TerynneQuest (5C377D79) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property Nec3 on script TerynneAliasScript attached to TerynneQuest (5C377D79) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property Nec1 on script TerynneAliasScript attached to TerynneQuest (5C377D79) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Property CiceroAlias on script uskpretroactive204script attached to USKPRetroactive204 (16012C3A) cannot be bound because alias CiceroEndGameAlias on quest DarkBrotherhood (0001EA5C) is not the right type
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Property Initiate1Alias on script uskpretroactive204script attached to USKPRetroactive204 (16012C3A) cannot be bound because alias Initiate1Alias on quest DarkBrotherhood (0001EA5C) is not the right type
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Property Initiate2Alias on script uskpretroactive204script attached to USKPRetroactive204 (16012C3A) cannot be bound because alias Initiate2Alias on quest DarkBrotherhood (0001EA5C) is not the right type
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property flArrows on script WilliamTellArrow3dnpc attached to (5C2E1E29) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property dunArcherQST on script WilliamTellArrow3dnpc attached to (5C2E1E29) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property myActor on script WilliamTellArrow3dnpc attached to (5C2E1E29) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property FreeformMarkarthO on script mdcuestartscript attached to (5C1EC62D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property SLSW_Brothel on script slsw_mcmconfig attached to SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property SLSW_Twig on script slsw_mcmconfig attached to SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property SLSW_DrugBrothel on script slsw_mcmconfig attached to SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property SLSW_Lilly on script slsw_mcmconfig attached to SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Property HFLakeview on script MSeranaHomeMarkerScript attached to MSeranaMainDialogue (76005739) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (7600309B) is not the right type
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Property HFWindstad on script MSeranaHomeMarkerScript attached to MSeranaMainDialogue (76005739) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (7601205C) is not the right type
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Property HFHeljarchen on script MSeranaHomeMarkerScript attached to MSeranaMainDialogue (76005739) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (76016E05) is not the right type
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property ArmorIronHelmet on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property FoodCheeseWedge01 on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property PrisonerCuffsPlayer on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property _2sCharGenMarker on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property ArmorIronBoots on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property Book3ValuableDragonborn on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property FoodBread01A on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property ResistFire25 on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property ArmorIronShield on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property ArmorIronGauntlets on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property FoodApple on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property FoodWineBottle02 on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property ArmorIronCuirass on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property KILLACTIVATOR on script dbm_wolfdisplayscript attached to (21125882) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property Alias_PlayerBed on script QF_aaSexScene06_010253BA attached to aaSexScene06 (080253BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property Alias_PlayerCliant on script QF_aaSexScene06_010253BA attached to aaSexScene06 (080253BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property AnvilQuestameir on script qf_anvilmoonpathquest_0106a8ca attached to AnvilMoonpathQuest (2106A8CA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property RSV_Default on script RSVDanceInit attached to RSVDanceQuest (110012CB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] VM is freezing...
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] VM is frozen
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:28AM] Reverting game...
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201 to (7C017201) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script knm_mour_favordialogue to 0_knm_mour_dfavorgeneric (77005E53) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788 to (7C017788) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script TrapBear to TweakTraps (7C00C515) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script traptriggerbase to TweakTraps (7C00C515) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script SexLabUtil1Setup to zSL_Util1 (4A000D62) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script SexLabUtil1 to zSL_Util1 (4A000D62) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script NoFlightAbilityScript to (8E002F9C) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script dialoguefollowerscript to (8E002F9C) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias05 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias04 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias03 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias06 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias09 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias10 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias07 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias01 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias02 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias08 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property CWSiegeDefendObj on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property CWSiegeAttackObj on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property Work1 on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property Work2 on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property WhoreWH on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property WhoreSO on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property WhoreRI on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property WhoreMK on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property WhoreWR on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property Work3 on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property WorkScript on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Property DialogueFollower on script TrainedAnimalScript attached to alias Animal on quest 0_knm_mour_dialogue_all (77007945) cannot be bound because 0_knm_mour_dialogue_all (77007945) is not the right type
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property OSysInputSound on script _oOmni attached to 0SA (13000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property OCinema on script _oOmni attached to 0SA (13000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property Nec2 on script TerynneAliasScript attached to TerynneQuest (5C377D79) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property Nec3 on script TerynneAliasScript attached to TerynneQuest (5C377D79) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property Nec1 on script TerynneAliasScript attached to TerynneQuest (5C377D79) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property SLSW_Brothel on script slsw_mcmconfig attached to SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property SLSW_Twig on script slsw_mcmconfig attached to SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property SLSW_DrugBrothel on script slsw_mcmconfig attached to SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property SLSW_Lilly on script slsw_mcmconfig attached to SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property RSV_Default on script RSVDanceInit attached to RSVDanceQuest (110012CB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property ArmorIronHelmet on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property FoodCheeseWedge01 on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property PrisonerCuffsPlayer on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property _2sCharGenMarker on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property ArmorIronBoots on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property Book3ValuableDragonborn on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property FoodBread01A on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property ResistFire25 on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property ArmorIronShield on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property ArmorIronGauntlets on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property FoodApple on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property FoodWineBottle02 on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property ArmorIronCuirass on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Property Slots on script xpoanimation attached to xpoAnimation (6902BB0B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0903CE6C) is not the right type
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Property CiceroAlias on script uskpretroactive204script attached to USKPRetroactive204 (16012C3A) cannot be bound because alias CiceroEndGameAlias on quest DarkBrotherhood (0001EA5C) is not the right type
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Property Initiate1Alias on script uskpretroactive204script attached to USKPRetroactive204 (16012C3A) cannot be bound because alias Initiate1Alias on quest DarkBrotherhood (0001EA5C) is not the right type
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Property Initiate2Alias on script uskpretroactive204script attached to USKPRetroactive204 (16012C3A) cannot be bound because alias Initiate2Alias on quest DarkBrotherhood (0001EA5C) is not the right type
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property FreeformMarkarthO on script mdcuestartscript attached to (5C1EC62D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Property HFLakeview on script MSeranaHomeMarkerScript attached to MSeranaMainDialogue (76005739) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (7600309B) is not the right type
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Property HFWindstad on script MSeranaHomeMarkerScript attached to MSeranaMainDialogue (76005739) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (7601205C) is not the right type
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Property HFHeljarchen on script MSeranaHomeMarkerScript attached to MSeranaMainDialogue (76005739) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (76016E05) is not the right type
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:30AM] Warning: Property AnvilQuestameir on script qf_anvilmoonpathquest_0106a8ca attached to AnvilMoonpathQuest (2106A8CA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:30AM] Warning: Property KILLACTIVATOR on script dbm_wolfdisplayscript attached to (21125882) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:30AM] Error: Property DialogueFollower on script FollowerAliasScript attached to alias Follower on quest 0_knm_mour_dialogue_all (77007945) cannot be bound because 0_knm_mour_dialogue_all (77007945) is not the right type
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:30AM] Warning: Property flArrows on script WilliamTellArrow3dnpc attached to (5C2E1E29) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:30AM] Warning: Property dunArcherQST on script WilliamTellArrow3dnpc attached to (5C2E1E29) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:30AM] Warning: Property myActor on script WilliamTellArrow3dnpc attached to (5C2E1E29) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:30AM] Error: Property MyDamBed on script aaSexHouseCarlBreezeHomeSleepScript attached to alias Housecarl on quest aaSexWhoreHouseWhiterun (080253AF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (000CB42C) is not the right type
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:30AM] Warning: Property Alias_PlayerBed on script QF_aaSexScene06_010253BA attached to aaSexScene06 (080253BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:30AM] Warning: Property Alias_PlayerCliant on script QF_aaSexScene06_010253BA attached to aaSexScene06 (080253BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property MagicResistance30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property HackAndSlash90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property Bladesman60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property HackAndSlash60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property MageArmor50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property MageArmor30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property DarkSouls on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property WindWalker on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property AugmentedFrost on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property Necromancy on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property SavageStrike on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property Bladesman90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property MagicResistance50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property


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Ok so as title states game is crashing i have verified the game cache ran loot and tried doing a new game. The problem started appearing after i deleted some disabled mods (didn't know this could cause a problem) here is my papyrus log. help would be greatly appreciated




[12/10/2017 - 11:19:55AM] Papyrus log opened (PC)

[12/10/2017 - 11:19:55AM] Function GetEffectMagnitudes in the empty state on type Ingredient does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.

[12/10/2017 - 11:19:56AM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)

[12/10/2017 - 11:19:56AM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)

[12/10/2017 - 11:20:36AM] Cannot open store for class "RSVDisableScript", missing file?

[12/10/2017 - 11:20:43AM] Cannot open store for class "SexlabUtil1CalmHit", missing file?

[12/10/2017 - 11:20:43AM] Cannot open store for class "SexlabUtil1DispelDur", missing file?

[12/10/2017 - 11:20:43AM] Cannot open store for class "SexlabUtil1Cmd", missing file?

[12/10/2017 - 11:20:43AM] Cannot open store for class "SexLabUtil1Spell", missing file?

[12/10/2017 - 11:20:43AM] Cannot open store for class "SexLabUtil1Setup", missing file?

[12/10/2017 - 11:20:43AM] Error: Unable to bind script SexLabUtil1Setup to zSL_Util1 (4A000D62) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:20:43AM] Cannot open store for class "SexLabUtil1", missing file?

[12/10/2017 - 11:20:43AM] Error: Unable to bind script SexLabUtil1 to zSL_Util1 (4A000D62) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:20:43AM] Cannot open store for class "sam_questscript", missing file?

[12/10/2017 - 11:20:43AM] Cannot open store for class "_arissa_inpc_behavior", missing file?

[12/10/2017 - 11:20:43AM] Cannot open store for class "chherdingquestscript", missing file?

[12/10/2017 - 11:20:54AM] Cannot open store for class "hishbskinningscript", missing file?

[12/10/2017 - 11:20:54AM] Cannot open store for class "_Camp_TinderTypeScript", missing file?

[12/10/2017 - 11:20:58AM] Cannot open store for class "knm_mour_favordialogue", missing file?

[12/10/2017 - 11:20:58AM] Error: Unable to bind script knm_mour_favordialogue to 0_knm_mour_dfavorgeneric (77005E53) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:20:58AM] Error: Unable to bind script TrapBear to TweakTraps (7C00C515) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:20:58AM] Error: Unable to bind script traptriggerbase to TweakTraps (7C00C515) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:20:58AM] Cannot open store for class "SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201", missing file?

[12/10/2017 - 11:20:58AM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201 to (7C017201) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:20:58AM] Cannot open store for class "SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788", missing file?

[12/10/2017 - 11:20:58AM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788 to (7C017788) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:02AM] Error: Unable to bind script NoFlightAbilityScript to (8E002F9C) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:02AM] Error: Unable to bind script dialoguefollowerscript to (8E002F9C) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Property MyDamBed on script aaSexHouseCarlBreezeHomeSleepScript attached to alias Housecarl on quest aaSexWhoreHouseWhiterun (080253AF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (000CB42C) is not the right type

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property CWSiegeDefendObj on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property CWSiegeAttackObj on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property Work1 on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property Work2 on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property WhoreWH on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property WhoreSO on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property WhoreRI on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property WhoreMK on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property WhoreWR on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property Work3 on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property WorkScript on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias01 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias02 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias03 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias04 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias05 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias06 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias07 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias08 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias09 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias10 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Property SofiaOutfitScript on script SofiaClothingFix attached to alias SofiaRef on quest JJSofiaClothingFix (7404BAE3) cannot be bound because alias SofiaClothesStore on quest JJSofiaWardrobe (74061F70) is not the right type

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Property DialogueFollower on script FollowerAliasScript attached to alias Follower on quest 0_knm_mour_dialogue_all (77007945) cannot be bound because 0_knm_mour_dialogue_all (77007945) is not the right type

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Property DialogueFollower on script TrainedAnimalScript attached to alias Animal on quest 0_knm_mour_dialogue_all (77007945) cannot be bound because 0_knm_mour_dialogue_all (77007945) is not the right type

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Property Slots on script xpoanimation attached to xpoAnimation (6902BB0B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0903CE6C) is not the right type

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property OSysInputSound on script _oOmni attached to 0SA (13000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property OCinema on script _oOmni attached to 0SA (13000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property Nec2 on script TerynneAliasScript attached to TerynneQuest (5C377D79) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property Nec3 on script TerynneAliasScript attached to TerynneQuest (5C377D79) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property Nec1 on script TerynneAliasScript attached to TerynneQuest (5C377D79) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Property CiceroAlias on script uskpretroactive204script attached to USKPRetroactive204 (16012C3A) cannot be bound because alias CiceroEndGameAlias on quest DarkBrotherhood (0001EA5C) is not the right type

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Property Initiate1Alias on script uskpretroactive204script attached to USKPRetroactive204 (16012C3A) cannot be bound because alias Initiate1Alias on quest DarkBrotherhood (0001EA5C) is not the right type

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Property Initiate2Alias on script uskpretroactive204script attached to USKPRetroactive204 (16012C3A) cannot be bound because alias Initiate2Alias on quest DarkBrotherhood (0001EA5C) is not the right type

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property flArrows on script WilliamTellArrow3dnpc attached to (5C2E1E29) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property dunArcherQST on script WilliamTellArrow3dnpc attached to (5C2E1E29) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property myActor on script WilliamTellArrow3dnpc attached to (5C2E1E29) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property FreeformMarkarthO on script mdcuestartscript attached to (5C1EC62D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property SLSW_Brothel on script slsw_mcmconfig attached to SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property SLSW_Twig on script slsw_mcmconfig attached to SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property SLSW_DrugBrothel on script slsw_mcmconfig attached to SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property SLSW_Lilly on script slsw_mcmconfig attached to SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Property HFLakeview on script MSeranaHomeMarkerScript attached to MSeranaMainDialogue (76005739) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (7600309B) is not the right type

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Property HFWindstad on script MSeranaHomeMarkerScript attached to MSeranaMainDialogue (76005739) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (7601205C) is not the right type

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Error: Property HFHeljarchen on script MSeranaHomeMarkerScript attached to MSeranaMainDialogue (76005739) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (76016E05) is not the right type

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property ArmorIronHelmet on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property FoodCheeseWedge01 on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property PrisonerCuffsPlayer on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property _2sCharGenMarker on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property ArmorIronBoots on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property Book3ValuableDragonborn on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property FoodBread01A on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property ResistFire25 on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property ArmorIronShield on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property ArmorIronGauntlets on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property FoodApple on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property FoodWineBottle02 on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property ArmorIronCuirass on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property KILLACTIVATOR on script dbm_wolfdisplayscript attached to (21125882) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property Alias_PlayerBed on script QF_aaSexScene06_010253BA attached to aaSexScene06 (080253BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property Alias_PlayerCliant on script QF_aaSexScene06_010253BA attached to aaSexScene06 (080253BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property AnvilQuestameir on script qf_anvilmoonpathquest_0106a8ca attached to AnvilMoonpathQuest (2106A8CA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] Warning: Property RSV_Default on script RSVDanceInit attached to RSVDanceQuest (110012CB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] VM is freezing...

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:27AM] VM is frozen

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:28AM] Reverting game...

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201 to (7C017201) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script knm_mour_favordialogue to 0_knm_mour_dfavorgeneric (77005E53) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788 to (7C017788) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script TrapBear to TweakTraps (7C00C515) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script traptriggerbase to TweakTraps (7C00C515) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script SexLabUtil1Setup to zSL_Util1 (4A000D62) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script SexLabUtil1 to zSL_Util1 (4A000D62) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script NoFlightAbilityScript to (8E002F9C) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script dialoguefollowerscript to (8E002F9C) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias05 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias04 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias03 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias06 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias09 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias10 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias07 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias01 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias02 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias08 on quest VampireDominationAlias (6D379F0E) because their base types do not match

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property CWSiegeDefendObj on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property CWSiegeAttackObj on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property Work1 on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property Work2 on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property WhoreWH on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property WhoreSO on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property WhoreRI on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property WhoreMK on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property WhoreWR on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property Work3 on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property WorkScript on script slsw_scum attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Property DialogueFollower on script TrainedAnimalScript attached to alias Animal on quest 0_knm_mour_dialogue_all (77007945) cannot be bound because 0_knm_mour_dialogue_all (77007945) is not the right type

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property OSysInputSound on script _oOmni attached to 0SA (13000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property OCinema on script _oOmni attached to 0SA (13000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property Nec2 on script TerynneAliasScript attached to TerynneQuest (5C377D79) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property Nec3 on script TerynneAliasScript attached to TerynneQuest (5C377D79) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property Nec1 on script TerynneAliasScript attached to TerynneQuest (5C377D79) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property SLSW_Brothel on script slsw_mcmconfig attached to SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property SLSW_Twig on script slsw_mcmconfig attached to SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property SLSW_DrugBrothel on script slsw_mcmconfig attached to SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property SLSW_Lilly on script slsw_mcmconfig attached to SLSW (64002863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property RSV_Default on script RSVDanceInit attached to RSVDanceQuest (110012CB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property ArmorIronHelmet on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property FoodCheeseWedge01 on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property PrisonerCuffsPlayer on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property _2sCharGenMarker on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property ArmorIronBoots on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property Book3ValuableDragonborn on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property FoodBread01A on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property ResistFire25 on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property ArmorIronShield on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property ArmorIronGauntlets on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property FoodApple on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property FoodWineBottle02 on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property ArmorIronCuirass on script _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStartSCR attached to _2sQUSTRandomAlternateStart (73000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Property Slots on script xpoanimation attached to xpoAnimation (6902BB0B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0903CE6C) is not the right type

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Property CiceroAlias on script uskpretroactive204script attached to USKPRetroactive204 (16012C3A) cannot be bound because alias CiceroEndGameAlias on quest DarkBrotherhood (0001EA5C) is not the right type

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Property Initiate1Alias on script uskpretroactive204script attached to USKPRetroactive204 (16012C3A) cannot be bound because alias Initiate1Alias on quest DarkBrotherhood (0001EA5C) is not the right type

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Property Initiate2Alias on script uskpretroactive204script attached to USKPRetroactive204 (16012C3A) cannot be bound because alias Initiate2Alias on quest DarkBrotherhood (0001EA5C) is not the right type

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Warning: Property FreeformMarkarthO on script mdcuestartscript attached to (5C1EC62D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Property HFLakeview on script MSeranaHomeMarkerScript attached to MSeranaMainDialogue (76005739) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (7600309B) is not the right type

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Property HFWindstad on script MSeranaHomeMarkerScript attached to MSeranaMainDialogue (76005739) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (7601205C) is not the right type

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:29AM] Error: Property HFHeljarchen on script MSeranaHomeMarkerScript attached to MSeranaMainDialogue (76005739) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (76016E05) is not the right type

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:30AM] Warning: Property AnvilQuestameir on script qf_anvilmoonpathquest_0106a8ca attached to AnvilMoonpathQuest (2106A8CA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:30AM] Warning: Property KILLACTIVATOR on script dbm_wolfdisplayscript attached to (21125882) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:30AM] Error: Property DialogueFollower on script FollowerAliasScript attached to alias Follower on quest 0_knm_mour_dialogue_all (77007945) cannot be bound because 0_knm_mour_dialogue_all (77007945) is not the right type

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:30AM] Warning: Property flArrows on script WilliamTellArrow3dnpc attached to (5C2E1E29) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:30AM] Warning: Property dunArcherQST on script WilliamTellArrow3dnpc attached to (5C2E1E29) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:30AM] Warning: Property myActor on script WilliamTellArrow3dnpc attached to (5C2E1E29) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:30AM] Error: Property MyDamBed on script aaSexHouseCarlBreezeHomeSleepScript attached to alias Housecarl on quest aaSexWhoreHouseWhiterun (080253AF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (000CB42C) is not the right type

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:30AM] Warning: Property Alias_PlayerBed on script QF_aaSexScene06_010253BA attached to aaSexScene06 (080253BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:30AM] Warning: Property Alias_PlayerCliant on script QF_aaSexScene06_010253BA attached to aaSexScene06 (080253BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property MagicResistance30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property HackAndSlash90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property Bladesman60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property HackAndSlash60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property MageArmor50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property MageArmor30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property DarkSouls on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property WindWalker on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property AugmentedFrost on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property Necromancy on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property SavageStrike on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property Bladesman90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/10/2017 - 11:21:33AM] Warning: Property MagicResistance50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003B8E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property


and here is my load order




0 0 Skyrim.esm
1 1 Update.esm
2 2 Dawnguard.esm
3 3 HearthFires.esm
4 4 Dragonborn.esm
5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
6 6 Falskaar.esm
7 7 Wyrmstooth.esp
8 8 ApachiiHair.esm
9 9 AP Skyrim.esm
10 a SexLab.esm
11 b SexLabAroused.esm
12 c ZaZAnimationPack.esm
13 d Devious Devices - Assets.esm
14 e Devious Devices - Integration.esm
15 f ClimatesOfTamriel.esm
16 10 hdtHighHeel.esm
17 11 SGHairPackBase.esm
18 12 DSLight.esm
19 13 daymoyl.esm
20 14 OSA.esm
21 15 Devious Devices - Expansion.esm
22 16 Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
23 17 HighResTexturePack01.esp
24 18 HighResTexturePack02.esp
25 19 HighResTexturePack03.esp
26 1a SexLabMatchMaker.esp
27 1b SexLabDefeat.esp
28 1c RaceMenu.esp
29 1d RaceMenuPlugin.esp
30 1e SkyUI.esp
31 1f RLO - Interiors.esp
32 20 elucidator.esp
33 21 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp
34 22 lefthandrings.esp
35 23 Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dawnguard.esp
36 24 Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dragonborn.esp
37 25 Remodeled Armor - Underwear.esp
38 26 SeraphineHuntedArmor.esp
39 27 StrapOnbyaeonv1.1.esp
40 28 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
41 29 dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp
42 2a dD-Larger Splatter Size.esp
43 2b ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp
44 2c ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp
45 2d SGEyebrows.esp
46 2e SGHairPackAIO.esp
47 2f TheEyesOfBeauty.esp
48 30 stranger_danger.esp
49 31 RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Falskaar.esp
50 32 bretonchildplayable.esp
51 33 SLAnimLoader.esp
52 34 NewmLongHeels.esp
53 35 saomusicmod.esp
54 36 saomusicaddon.esp
55 37 ImmersiveLoversComfort.esp
56 38 KS Hairdo's.esp
57 39 FNIS.esp
58 3a SerialStrip.esp
59 3b loadscreentextsextrasass.esp
60 3c RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp
61 3d fennecrace.esp
62 3e MikanEyes All in one.esp
63 3f Brows.esp
64 40 12FemaleBrows.esp
65 41 XPMSE.esp
66 42 SOSRaceMenu.esp
67 43 HDTTailsEquipable.esp
68 44 SexLabSquirtR.esp
69 45 SexLabUtil1.esp
70 46 SexLab Cumshot.esp
71 47 tGBoA-4_volumes.esp
72 48 SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp
73 49 ds_database_eng.esp
74 4a FNISSexyMove.esp
75 4b SLAnimSpeed.esp
76 4c dsfasterbetter.esp
77 4d KCEDeathBell.esp
78 4e BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp
79 4f LoshRifle.esp
80 50 Junk's Guns.esp
81 51 Junk's Guns M-4 2 Handed.esp
82 52 KCEScytheOfDeath.esp
83 53 Convenient Horses.esp
84 54 SmartCast_1_0.esp
ELFX - Exteriors.esp
85 55 RealisticRoomRental.esp
86 56 LegacyoftheDragonborn.esp
87 57 Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer.esp
88 58 Skyrim Unlimited Rings And Amulets.esp
89 59 EstrusChaurus.esp
90 5a WerewolfPerksExpanded.esp
91 5b Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp
92 5c 3DNPC.esp
93 5d Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin.esp
94 5e RealisticWaterTwo.esp
95 5f RelightingSkyrim-ExteriorsOnly.esp
96 60 RealisticWaterTwo - Wyrmstooth.esp
97 61 RLO - Exteriors.esp
ELFX - Weathers.esp
98 62 xmas.esp
99 63 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
100 64 SexLabSkoomaWhore.esp
101 65 Further Dark Dungeons for ENB.esp
102 66 Inigo.esp
103 67 expanded children.esp
104 68 Cloaks.esp
105 69 xazPrisonOverhaul.esp
106 6a Deviously Cursed Loot.esp
107 6b Devious Deviants.esp
108 6c RealisticWaterTwo - Waves.esp
109 6d Better Vampires.esp
110 6e Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp
111 6f RRR_3DNPC-Patch.esp
112 70 Hunterborn.esp
113 71 RealisticWaterTwo - Falskaar.esp
114 72 CSP Skyrim.esp
115 73 random alternate start.esp
116 74 SofiaFollower.esp
117 75 SexLab-AmorousAdventures.esp
118 76 marriable serana.esp
119 77 KNM_Mour.esp
120 78 RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Wyrmstooth.esp
121 79 RealisticWaterTwo - Dragonborn.esp
122 7a Tauriel.esp
123 7b anime vampire blood.esp
124 7c AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
125 7d Immersive Weapons.esp
126 7e Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
127 7f SOS - Shop.esp
128 80 sexlab_necro.esp
129 81 PrvtIRoyalArmory.esp
130 82 The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp
131 83 ultimate necromancy pack.esp
132 84 RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Dawnguard.esp
133 85 RealisticWaterTwo - Dawnguard.esp
134 86 Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp
135 87 northernoverlordset.esp
136 88 idnecromod02.esp
137 89 CSP Dawnguard.esp
138 8a CSP Dragonborn.esp
139 8b RDO - AFT v1.66 Patch.esp
140 8c SummonMiniDragons.esp
141 8d FNISspells.esp
142 8e 7dollodragonfollower.esp
143 8f sabrecat01mountm7.esp
144 90 Aradia Devious Expansion.esp
145 91 DianaVampire2017Asherz.esp
146 92 Merta Assassin Armor.esp
147 93 CumOnAnything.esp
148 94 CinematicFireFX.esp
149 95 Vampiric Grip and Drain.esp
150 96 JK Crafting Breakdown.esp
151 97 AFT_iNPCFix.esp
152 98 AFT_NoFriendlySpellDamage.esp
153 99 Lieyes_v1.0.esp
154 9a Outfit Switcher.esp
155 9b CopyArmor.esp
156 9c Natural Lighting Vivid Atmospherics.esp
157 9d Natural Lighting and Atmospherics.esp
158 9e RLO - Effects.esp
159 9f RLO - Illuminated Spells.esp
160 a0 Bijin Warmaidens.esp
161 a1 New Lydia and Master Bow.esp
162 a2 Serana.esp
163 a3 roninslydiaoverhaul.esp
164 a4 Valerica.esp
165 a5 Bijin Wives.esp
166 a6 ShakeIt!.esp
167 a7 roninscamillaoverhaul.esp
168 a8 DYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.esp
169 a9 FF7 Bustersword.esp
170 aa redqueen.esp
171 ab dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp



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Disabled all mods didn't work so i uninstalled the game then reinstalled that didn't work so i deleted my enb files with a program called ENB and ReShade still can not load a save or start a new game i just crash to desktop some assistance would be awesome.

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Uninstalling through Steam has some quirks. It doesn't delete files that aren't part of vanilla Skyrim, so it doesn't delete SKSE, ENB or any mods. It also doesn't delete your Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini from your Documents folder. Here's the best way to reset everything: Make Skyrim Vanilla Again.

Thanks for the reply doing all the steps right now.

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Since you are already familiar with LOOT, just do Steps 2, 3, & Appendix 1 ( if needed )




Also, and this is the utmost number 1 rule, You NEVER delete any mod unless you are starting a new game. If you're trying to use a previous save and you have deleted mods that save was using, you're going to crash every single time if that save used a Master file for any of your mods, or, if it had any scripts that fired and were baked into the save and then you deleted that mod, then that is yet another reason you could be crashing.


Ultimately though, you can not use that many mods with out a bashed patch file from Wrye, the bashed patch file makes all the mods play nice together and resolves conflicts before the mods are even loaded into your game. Read my guide, STEP BY STEP, and I can almost guarentee it will fix your crashing problem. I've had veteran mod users tell me that my guide even helped them.

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