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Weight Slider not working...


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I have two different mesh sizes for _0 and _1 respectively.


But the problem I'm facing is no matter where I pull the weight slider the armor piece doesn't morph between the _0 and _1 mesh, it always shows the _1 mesh. They are similarly named ex. myarmor_0.nif and myarmor_1.nif


Did I miss something in NifSkope? The armor displays fine otherwise, I just can't seem to get it to slide between the two meshes.


Help please?

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  • 3 months later...

I've been looking over everything and still haven't come up with the issue. There doesn't seem to be anything extra added in vanilla armours' NIF files, and the main armour tutorial doesn't mention anything of the sort.


I've got the files in the proper folders, each with the proper _1/_0 suffix... And I've no idea what else it could be.

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  • 5 months later...

Any updates on this issue?


I'm having the same trouble, and I'm not even using custom meshes.


I'm just trying to recolour a few of the Monk/Mage robes, so I've made copies & coloured the DDS files, named & placed them in a new folder, and done the same with the meshes (all within Textures & Meshes respectively).

Everything's set up in NifSkope, everything's set up in Creation Kit, Items are in the game, but whatever size my character is the robes are the large version.

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I feel your pain.


I'm trying to get a bunch of new amulets in the game and they are ALL refusing to morph. They just sit at the large version.


I've done this PLENTY of times, and never had this problem. Why now?

Edited by FavoredSoul
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For future reference, it seems like the Creation Kit is a bit screwy. Restart and reset the path to your _1 versions in the ArmorAddon properties. Seems to be the solution as it has happened to me several more times tonight. Edited by FavoredSoul
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  • 3 weeks later...

For future reference, it seems like the Creation Kit is a bit screwy. Restart and reset the path to your _1 versions in the ArmorAddon properties. Seems to be the solution as it has happened to me several more times tonight.

Oh thank the heavens, I had been struggling with the exact same issue for sliders and no info on this topic as you guys have, but your suggestion seems to be fixing it! Many thanks :D

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  • 4 months later...
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