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Quick scripting question about determining one ObjectReference type from another


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I have this script attached to a Quest and I'm hoping someone can inform me how to discern if the ObjectReference variable I fill with GetCurrentCrosshairRef is an Actor type or not. I've tried...

Actor TargetRef

(more script, then...)

TargetRef = Game.GetCurrentCrosshairRef()

...but then the compiler tells me


type mismatch while assigning to a actor (cast missing or types unrelated)

So I change my variable to...

ObjectReference TargetRef

...and everything compiles just fine. But doesn't this mean that the meat of my script will happen to any reference under my crosshair? I just want it to only effect Actor references. How can I make it tell them apart?


I feel like I should know this, but it's late and I'm blanking. Thanks.

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Test this then adapt to your needs should it work.

ObjectReference TargetRef = Game.GetCurrentCrosshairRef()
If TargetRef as Actor
  Debug.Trace(TargetRef.GeBaseObject().GetName()+" is an actor")
  Debug.Trace(TargetRef.GeBaseObject().GetName()+" is not an actor")
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