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Your Quirky Behaviors


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I loved morrowind and I love oblivion-- im probably newer to the game than many people posting here (i was in WoW addiction when oblivion was new and fresh)


I have a bit of a strange behavior, though.


I save skulls.


All of them.


Every single skull i've encountered in the game I will take, drag, or steal, and deposit them safetly in my home.


Big pile, right on top of the hand at frostcrag.


Its growing quite large, I gleefully anticipate getting to delve into some new dungeons this weekend and drag out a bunch more.


What I want to know is- what are YOUR quirky behaviors? Do you use plates to write profane messages to the gods in the city square? Do you delight in throwing kittens off of bridges?


Post it! ;)

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with my name avatar and preferred race being the tabaxi your last ...suggestion is not in the least bit likley

not too mention offensive and highly dubious

to awnser your question i dont think i have any quirks apart from lashing out from time to time at the adoring fan and saving clothes ..a lot of them

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Guys guys.


We are just freaks. Collecting skulls? Diamonds by corpses?

Its just as well this is a game huh? :blink:


I have a thing about dead bodies. Not like that though.

I have to show respect for the dead. In the mission where you enter a cave to find a load of dead fighters guild members I felt I had to leave a weapon with each of them before I could leave them. I know, nutter.


Conversly though I can't stand to leave bandit corpses and such on the roads so I end up blasting them into the undergrowth.


I think I need a check-up from the neck up.


This could end up being seriously wierd thread.

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Well, in morrowind I used to drop a single gold piece, but oblivion doesn't allow that. See the gold and diamonds and precious stones as payment to their families that I took the person's life. I aslo only drop them when I murder somebody who didn't want to kill me. Bandits deserve nothing at all, maybe a nightshade flower if their families are very poor...
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I collect ingredients. Lots of them. I know, this is what probably everybody does since some Quests require you to get this and that, like the Vampires Cure Quest.

But i have about 2000 Flax Seeds on one of my Chars. 2,5k Grapes and so on.


I like strolling around. I found every possible Location. Fought Monsters and collected Plants on the Way.


I collect Necromancer Robes, i have about 200 of them. Lying next to the Stack of Mythic Dawn Robes ;D


My Cyrodiil is probably the best armed Gameworld. I have a mod with which i may access the Inventory of any NPC. I kill Bandits and Marauders and distribute their Armor among the Cyrodiilians, i got tired of People walking around in Rags...

My Beggars are now funny. When some walks towards you in full enchanted Daedric Armor with a Monolitic Shield and a Mace of Inferno, asking "Spare a Coin for an old Beggar?" it cracks me up =)

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What is that Mod. It sounds like a blast.

I've always wanted to kit out the NPC's so that they don't just die in fights with mudcrabs.

It rather annoyed me that you couldn't reverse pick pocket someone and return their property.


While were about it. Is there any way to legitimately make that little git Varon Vamori cough up the dough that he got for selling the mage's staff. It irks me that he gets let off with an apology and I get swindled out of the gold. So what if I end up with more money than the gods. It stinks. >:(

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Probably the Strangest thing i do is take off Armour and wear my robes or clothes in towns, dunno Why cos it just wastes time but its the need to be accepted in the towns, weird eh!!! Also I'm a huge hoarder of most items in the game, have to collect at least 1 of each.

Got the mothers head in the "Vile layer" and loads of ingredients at Frostcrag.

Make good use of Manniquins for all armor types

Also spent about 10 mins just placing books on my Bookshelf haha

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