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Skinning Problem


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Sorry if this has been asked a dozens times before, but...How Do I axtract the texture files from Oblivion in order to see and edit them? I already have the Nvidia photoshop plugin. Please help me.



Download BSA Commander...that will unpack the texture, meshes etc. from the Oblivion and other mods, dlc's archives.


Cheers :thumbsup:



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Once extracting the BSA archive (Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa), you could also use DDS Converter 2 to convert the DDS files to PSD files.


Be sure to not re-convert a DDS texture more than once because DDS files are a lossy format (like JPG format).


Example #1:


1. Convert DDS to PSD

2. Edit PSD image

3. Export / Convert PSD image to DDS

4. Re-Convert DDS to PSD (DO NOT DO THIS!!! Instead, re-edit the file in step #2 and then follow step #3)


Example #2:


1. Open the DDS file directly (such as with Paint.NET)

2. Edit the image and make changes.

3. Save the changes back to DDS format (DO NOT DO THIS!!! You need to save the file in a non-lossy format that your editor can read such as PSD, PSPImage or PDN format. Then export to DDS. If you need to make changes, re-open the file you saved which was in a non-lossy format)



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