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NMM Profiles


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I'm wondering how well the profiles feature in NMM works. I have a rocking good Horizon play through going right now, but I'd like to give Frost a try. I know that's why the profile feature is there. I'm just not sure how well it works, and I'd hate to trash all the time I've put into my Horizon run. The only mod I know would not switch over for obvious reasons is the ENB I am running. (Vogue) I have no unusual ini edits.

​The only post I read about this so far did not look promising.

​I'm also wondering if there is maybe a way to get Steam to install a separate copy of Fallout4. But that would open up another can of worms. How would NMM tell the two apart. Though I guess I could use Mod Organizer if the second copy idea works. ***EDIT***NM I just realized this would not work. The my game dir where the ini and save games files are stored could not tell the two installs apart. Unless anyone else has any other idea's that is.***EDIT***

Any input would be appreciated.

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Personally, I find the profile functionality of NMM to be abysmal. I would not recommend using it for anything on the scale of FROST.

I actaully have three game installs and use MO2 for two of them. I’ve been using NMM with my “main” install for so long, I’m hesitant to migrate away from it as it is the one I use for mod development.

In addition to my "main" game install that I use for mod making, I have an install exclusively for FROST and mod testing, and another for normal gameplay with various load orders. MO2 is used for those. MO2 isn’t without its quirks, but it does a far better job of handling multiple profiles. I also like the fact that it can be installed in a “portable” setup so that all the files it needs are installed with the game folder. If I need to backup the game or move it to another drive, I just move the folder and everything goes along with it. Nice and simple. MO2 handles profiles so well IMO that the third install might be overkill, but I prefer to use an overhaul on the scale of FROST in an isolated environment. I also make mods and prefer to keep my dev install separate from my gameplay installs. Plus I have the storage space to spare.

Having multiple installs does require a little folder name change dance every time you want to switch installs. My “active” install is of course labled “Fallout 4.” My others are generally labeled “Fallout 4-FROST”, “Fallout 4-NEW.” Depending on what I want to play, I’ll change the folder name accordingly. Steam doesn’t care which open you use as long as it has the proper folder name. If you are using installs on multiple drives (as I do) you’ll need to set up the alternate directories in your Steam settings.

I also set up a unique Saves folder for each install and name/rename them in the same manner as the game folders. It makes more sense to me to keep the saves for each install environment separate. Lastly, if I’m using one of my MO2 managed installs I’ll go into my C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Fallout4 directory and rename my plugins.txt file that NMM uses. It will eliminate the chance that MO2 will read it and muck up your load order...which happened to me the first time I tried this.

I know it sounds like a lot of shuffling, but to me it really is worth the effort. All my games are clean, stable and nothing from one install conflicts with anything else. I can spend more time playing and modding and less time tracking down load order issues.

All that being said, there was a batch file in the Tutorials and Modder’s Resources section that will do the folder name swap for you. I’ve never used it as I think it only changes the game folder name, and I much prefer to do this sort of thing manually so I know it’s done the way I want it.

TLDR: If possible, set up unique installs for your game overhauls. It’s not worth the hassle of having profile changes go south.

EDIT: The additional benefit of having a dedicated Save folder for each install is that you can use different custom .ini files for each if desired.

Edited by RedRocketTV
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​Awesome. I have not attempted this yet, but I will give it a shot. Frost just looks too interesting.

​Thank you, this is about what I expected. I used the profile option in NMM quite some time ago, and it seemed bugged back then. I was hoping it was improved. But Horizon, and especially Frost do so much to the game I have my doubts.

Not to mention I'd like to use different texture sets, ENB's, weather mods ect. ect...

​I already have two steam install directories on two separate drives. How do you get Steam to install a second copy of the game? Temporarily rename one so it can't find it?

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How do you get Steam to install a second copy of the game? Temporarily rename one so it can't find it?

Exactly. Rename the one, then have Steam verify the files. Since there is nothing to verify, it will just do a fresh install. Once you do that, provided you have the drive space, you can back up and archive that new folder and then just copy it if you want another install. I'll also periodically back up and archive my entire game folders to external drives "just in case."


FROST is all loose files, unfortunately.The chances of something not getting deactivated or activated properly is pretty high. I've watched several FROST Let's Plays and I'm amazed at how many people have the game break because their profile switching has gotten borked...Raiders showing up in FROST when they aren't suppose to exist yet, for example.


It does take some getting used to doing the folder rename dance, but you do get used to it. And like I said, I feel it's well worth the extra fuss. The only real cost is storage space and a little extra time. Consider giving MO2 a spin at some point to see if you like it. It has it's faults, but profiles just work infinitely better IMO than NMM since MO2 doesn't touch your game's Data folder.

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