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Extremely poor performance


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Specs are :


Mobo - Asus P5lVM1394 (Latest bios and chipset drivers)

Audio - Realtek HD Integrated Audio (Latest drivers)

GPU - Ati Radeon HD 6670 DDR3 1GB VTX (Not OC'ed)

CPU - Intel Core 2 Duo E6700 @ 3.2GHZ Stock Clock (Not OC'ed)

Ram - 4GB DDR2 667MHZ

HDD - Maxtor 320GB 7200RPM

Monitor - Samsung 1280X1024 LCD DVI Syncmaster

OS - Windows XP 32bit Pro SP3 (Fully updated)


My performance in Oblivion is dysmal. On a new game, I get over 60 frames in the starter dungeon. As soon as I leave the interior, I enter the beautiful outside world of severe stuttering and sub 20FP/S. I should be completely decimating this game.

I tried the game without updates and mods, updated it without mods, updated with performance mods, updated with a variety of mods, no change in FPS. Everything is still slow, jittery and...Well, awful. I've tried going on the lowest possible settings, medium settings, high settings and everything being maxed out. No change in FPS.

Strangest thing is, towns completely destroy my framerate. I get sub 8fps rates in towns, but when I go outside, I'll get around 15 frames, no matter what is going on around me (Many NPCs fighting, physics going mental, etc.).

And when I'm in an interior of a town-house, I get a constant FPS change ranging from 30-35 FPS, but as soon as something moves, down to the sub 10 fps rates.


I can run Fallout 3 on Max settings on a FPS cap of 40 (I don't like FPS Drops) and I won't lose a single frame unless I'm in some heavy particle areas, and thats with an HD Texture pack installed.

I run Skyrim on an FPS cap of 30, with all sorts of mods going on (Albeit a few with performance in mind, but w/e.) and I don't see a single drop in FPS.


Any tips? I'd like to get Oblivion running atleast somewhat well.


Thanks in advance.

Edited by GomuGomu64
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The first place I would start is the sound. The Realtek off-loads a lot to the CPU and I have seen issues that were related to Realtek and sound codecs.


My source for information on tweaking Oblivion is Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide. The part specific to sound is on page 9, but I suggest reading through the whole guide and see if any suggestions pique your interest. I also suggest following the links to his general tweak guide and graphics tweak guide.

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