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CreationKit crash when i open model data. (Windows10)


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Hi, My Skyrim Legendaly Edition's Creation Kit has been crash when i refer any 3D model in CK.

Example, Edit Armoraddon->Click select button at Biped model->open Model data window.

Then crash. (Please check the attatched image.)


This crash also happen when whole 3D model view window opened.(Actor'sFace,Weapon etc)

I checked Windows event viewer to see what happened.

Then it tell me that It error the Windows/System32/d3d9.dll


I also checked the Windows/System32/d3d9.dll then it was updated in 2017/11/26.

This term 11/26-12/16(Today) I didn't play Skyrim & Creation Kit.

And Before 11/26 Creation Kit works with no problem.


I delete ENB,update GPU driver. but these doesn't works.

I doubt this cause of Windows Update but I have no idea How to fix.

Are anyone there happened same situation?

My PC is Windows10.


I also got strange report from Windows event viewer that "The beta feature EseDiskFlushConsistency is enabled in ESENT due to the beta site mode settings 0x800000"

Is It relevant with this problem?


Plese help, Thank you.



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disable all mods, then try again. (the more tedious method but the most guaranteed way to see if it is because of custom textures and or mesh, would be to move all of your mods to separate folder temporary, and then attempt to view the model again. more specifically move the the textures and mesh folders to a separate location, then attempt to view the model in the creation kit, after that move them both back to the right location when you wish to play the game, should this method work. that means a custom texture or mesh that you have installed is causing the creation kit to crash, this mod will need to be disabled when you wish to edit or view the models again. Note: this will only work if the model you are attempting to view is vanilla, as in part of the base game and not a mod. as the vanilla texture and mesh will be stored inside the Skyrim's BSA Archives)


however with the above said. i would just recommend disabling all mods first. its much simpler and easier then manually moving stuff.


the creation kit has issues loading custom textures and meshes that are of high quality.


example in fallout 4, using a high poly body mesh, causes the creation kit to crash when attempting to edit npc that are using said body (so in this regard, this sounds very much like the issue you are experiencing with viewing models in the creation kit).


so yea load nexus mod manager if you have it, and double click on every single mod disabling them all, then attempt to view the models again.


also i am not familiar with windows 10 as of late (tried it 3 times raged each time, and stuck with my true home which is windows 7), due to the hatred i have for it, and so the issue could very much be related to windows 10 itself, so if the above does not work, then its very likely 1 of the windows updates have messed the task up somehow or just windows 10 being itself, if that is the case then i cannot help you with it, since windows 10 is a pure mess that sounds like it is getting worse each update.


another reason that makes me believe windows 10 is the cause, is because when i was on windows 10, bodyslide and outfit studio would freeze every 5 minutes when attempting to batch build the outfits. again this literally only happens on windows 10, i do not understand why lol. windows 10 = anti modding skyrim and fallout 4. and just to put it into perspective, i have a very powerful machine, so the hardware is out of the question here with regards to it potentionally being the cause for the program to freeze every five minutes.


so yea try the above method.

Edited by Guest
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Thanks for reply.

I try the method similar what your said. but didn't works.

I'd not like disable all mod because it's too much hassle to rebuild my enviloment.

So,I rename Skyrim folder to make Steam doesn't detect it, Steam re-download new vanilla Skyrim and CK.

I tested new CK and same crash happend.


So,Probably this is windows10's issue...

What i can do now is re-install Windows7 or wait the fix update? :sad:

But only i feel strange that anyone except me doesn't report about this.

I wonder, which mean, everyone still using Windows7 or 8?

Edited by gaju
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i would personally and have done stick to windows 7, unless you absolutely have to go to windows 10 thier is literally no reason to downgrade to windows 10, windows 7 is foolproof as long as you have all the windows updates for it. its especially foolproof for dx9 programs. oldrim is one such program.


i would not wait for a fix from microsoft on windows 10.

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Try to install DirectX (June 2010). Windows 10 comes with DirectX 9 but it's not the most up-to-date and can cause problems, especially with ENB.


Are you sure you disabled ENB properly? Delete or rename d3d9.dll in your Skyrim main directory, and make sure you don't have any d3d11.dll or dxgi.dll. CK works fine with ENB for me, but I've had problems with it in the past. I think it depends which version of ENB you're using.

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I has tried that patch but it didn't works.
C:Windows/system32/d3d9.dll still doesn't update.

It is sorry.

And ENB issue what you said I figured about that. Check my previous post, I has delete ENB and tried but appeared same error.
Also re-insatall Skyrim & CreationKit. Run CK in initial state, however CK crash again by same reason.

Now i'd like to know that status you & other people.

Do you have Windows10?
Did you install Fall creators update and your CK working normally? (CK displays model data window or anything 3D/CGI's window?)

Share me information.

And Thank you for reply.

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I'm using Windows 10 with Fall Creators Update. CK is working fine, but I will try what you did in the first post. NPCs render properly in the preview window.


Here are my changes for SkyrimEditor.ini:

sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa
sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Update.bsa, Dawnguard.bsa, HearthFires.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa




The default INI isn't configured well:

  • The DLC have to be added to sResourceArchiveList2 or else it crashes if you try to load DLC assets.
  • Audio has to be disabled on Windows 10 or else it crashes every 15 minutes or so.
  • Multiple masters have to be enabled (I'm not sure why this is off by default).
  • bBlockMessageBoxes makes it ignore all those warnings at the beginning. You can turn this off if you want to see warnings.

Edit: I opened up AmuletAA and was able to view the mesh in the Model Data window.




Edit 2: I did a Windows Update and d3d9.dll was updated. The CK still works fine.



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Thank you Grospolina, it's solved.

By additional your information of d3d9.dll shot, I knew that we have same version d3d9.dll.

But If i did belong anything like what you did it's doesn't works.

Finally i doubt my d3d9.dll is glitch. So i tried Windows inplace upgrade.

Then CK could be shown all render window.


I leave this post for future reference.


Now i can restart my modding process.

Thank you.

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