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Stardew Valley

Mod Request: No Friendship decay


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To be more precise, I would like to ask if somebody could update this mod (sourcecode is in download): https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/no-friendship-decay.108278/


I am personally mostly interested in an update for 1.0, but 1.1 would still be great.

As far I can tell (with my extremely limited modding knowledge of stardew valley), there are only 2 lines that are outdated and need to be updated, the correct syntax for the entry method and a single timeevent.


I would do it myself, but i cant get the mod development to work on my own computer. :sad:

If somebody could do this, thanks.


Oh, and the manifest file is also missing.


The attached file should be the corrected sourcecode, but i cant compile it myself (and i cant guaranty that i made the right corrections).



Edit: Managed to get mod developing working. I updated the mod and will release it after I tested it some more (no timetable for that).

Edited by LegendDarkness97
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