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Universal Skyrim - Perk points and linear exp.


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I have an idea for a mod I would make, but I don't know how to mod Skyrim.


My mod idea is based on making Skyrim more universal when rolling with a character.


I always found the game too restricted because if I played as a mage for 5-10 levels and then changed my mind and wanted to play as a say warrior, I had to start a new game because i've "wasted" 5-10 perks on something I don't like/want. E.g. I have an sneaky archer with all the perks in archer, many in sneak, and some in light armor, plus full smithing. When I finished the main storyline, and joined 1-2 guilds (+ the huge amounts of other side quests) I wanted to try out playing as a mage but it was impossible because my magic powers were weak, I had no points in magicka, and was very underpowered in comparison with the world.


The idea is about raising the perk points to 2 points/level and changing the experience required for each level to a linear-er one. The XP required for the next level becomes more and more for each level and if you imagine a curve and set a horizontal line at the middle of it, bring the upper and lower part of the curve nearer to the middle. That means that you will need less XP in late levels at the cost of more XP at early levels. There are 251 perk points in total and the player only gets 80 to use. With doubled perk points (160) and a more linear xp rate, the player wouldn't feel like a new game is needed. I don't know if this is possible or if the formula for the xp required is hard-coded, but this would give a meaning to having a sneaky-mage-archer-with one-handed skills-type of character. The worlds level would still be a problem because when at level 50, the archery skills will be weak in comparison with the magic skills (which the player used from lvl1 to 50).


Is this possible?


I'm sorry if it's too messy :sad:

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There is a Mod Out That Alows you to re allocate the points you've placed in you're Main stats( Magika, Health, Stamina) Once reaching level 20. This mods great for Doing So. Throw in another mod( Skill Uncapper, Which allows you to level skills past 100 Meanin Many more perks) You have very limitless gameplay. If you'd like the names of the mods do let meknow ill grab them for you.
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There is a Mod Out That Alows you to re allocate the points you've placed in you're Main stats( Magika, Health, Stamina) Once reaching level 20. This mods great for Doing So. Throw in another mod( Skill Uncapper, Which allows you to level skills past 100 Meanin Many more perks) You have very limitless gameplay. If you'd like the names of the mods do let meknow ill grab them for you.



Sure, give me the names.

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I'd recommend 'Auto Perk Stats Level' by DefiniteIntegral (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=3198) for its user friendliness. Perks per level and skill-per-level curve customization are only a few of the things that can be controlled by this mod (requires Script Dragon) but you should take a look at the default mod settings before you begin a game with it since it may change a lot more than you want if you don't disable some of its functions first.
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I'd recommend 'Auto Perk Stats Level' by DefiniteIntegral (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=3198) for its user friendliness. Perks per level and skill-per-level curve customization are only a few of the things that can be controlled by this mod (requires Script Dragon) but you should take a look at the default mod settings before you begin a game with it since it may change a lot more than you want if you don't disable some of its functions first.


Nice! :thumbsup:


This is awesome, auto-perk is just what I need. Will definitely download that one and try it out. Thanks!

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