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Base Stat changes - How?


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You can't use the CK to change stats of actors that have already spawned. (Savegame memory is permanent.) You will have to go go find a spider that you have never met before in order to see the changes you have made.
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That would explain it, thankyou David.


So does this mean that NO Frostbite Spider in the game will ever have the new stats, or just the one spawned infront of me?


Could you clarify how far reaching the 'savegame data' is please, and is there a way to make it work for all mobs (even those spawned already.)


Or do I need to restart playing the game to see my changes.. Which also seems odd, considering the game is supposed to be modable and this seems restrictive.


Thanks for your help!

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To change the base health of a monster you open the cration kit and go to the character tab and then click on the race tab . All the races will be represented by head icons and then you edit the individual races as you see fit. If you made any changes to the health offsets you want to remove those or not auto calc stats because it will actually make the creatures have negative health and the game will spawn them as corpses. Hope this helps.

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