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Can anyone make a funny quest?


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You might like my "Awnuld the Bold" mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=11934


"Awnuld" is a voice-acted quest-giver (I did the cheesy voice acting myself).

It's a made-for-fun mod with a sense of humor in mind for the Awnuld character, though some of the later quests can be quite challenging.

And, you even can pick up "BuBu the Brave" (from Quest 8 ) as a faithful animal-follower.


Currently there's 9 Awnuld-Quests with this mod, and if there seems to be enough interest, I may make more.

Cheers! :)

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Club Obos is pretty funny. For a particular type of person who can find it funny...


One of the better quest mods out that I've seen to be honest... sort of a shame it's about what it's about lol...

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I think Awnuld the Bold was taken down by the author. Thankfully, I have backups of the Awnuld.esp on the HD since it is by far my favorite Skyrim mod of all time. When vampires attack in Whiterun, Awnuld has saved my life countless times. And, if you pick a fight with the guards, he'll always throw down for ya!



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