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Crashes driving me insane!

Beach Terror

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Basically, when I either


a) Try to go back to the main menu


b) Try to load one of my other characters


my game crashes, with no error message, to desktop.


I thought it might be a corrupt save I had with my newer character, so I created a new one, then reloaded my level 44 elf. I then tried to load the BRAND NEW save, and it crashed!


I'm running quite a few mods, but haven't experienced problems with them before....


Help appreciated!





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This started happening to me too today. My computer passed the Skyrim minimum requirements and am running Skyrim without lag. I don't think it's because I messed with the console commands too much since yesterday I messed with the console and didn't CTD. I am also running a few mods but I have not experienced any problems with them before too like Beach Terror.


This usually happens to me when I leave/enter a building.


EDIT: Maybe delete house mods? That's what I heard..

Edited by SuperRofltank
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Try clearing out your temp files and cache from your system after a shutdown/restart. If it just started and you didn't change your present set of loaded mods, then it may not be the game. Unless of course THEY did another update since I last played... last night.


Run a system diagnostic using DXDIAG from your start button/search line. See if it reports your hardware as it should be. When or if it asks you to register your drivers, click no. Your memory will be listed in Binary count. So 1K actually equals 1024 not 1000.

Edited by Brandy_123
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