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Transparent Clothes


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Hi there,


whenever my char has the "business wear" or the "weathered business wear" on while having long hair the clothes become transparent at specific camera angles...please have a look at the picture to see what I mean.


Can you tell me what`s causing this?

Is there a possibility to solve this problem? ...maybe some settings in nifskope?


It`s only the business wear...all other clothes are okay.




Thank you for your help

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It's probably because both meshes have alpha properties. Ehenever to partially transparent meshes overlay each other, only the one closer to the camera showas up correctly and the one underneath vanishes completely and let's you see through your character.


A way to avoid would be in this case to edit the nif file of the hair mesh. In Nifskope go to the NiTriShape - nohat branch, select NiAlphaProperty and click in the bottom window on "Flags". Probably there's a checkmark placed next to "Enable Blending". Deselect "Enable Blending", Select "Enable Testing", set the Alpha Test Function to "Greater or Equal" and set the Alpha Test Treshold to a value of 50, save the nif file and try it ingame.


This will make your hair mesh look a bit blockier around the edges but it will solve the see-through problem!


Greetz *Sari-D

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