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Very odd issue becoming vampire (not VL)


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So I make a really good character with the concept of role playing vampire. I get the disease while doing part 2 of the companion quest, wait 3 days, I get the message of turning to vamp and turn that odd purple color when something isnt right and then...nothing. No vamp, no disease.


I ran loot and no conflicts.


I had previously done BV so wanted to go Sacrosanct. So I tried removing all BV things, including BV uninstall off the page. No difference. I installed BV with Sacrosanct/BV patch. No difference. I removed Sancrosanct and Sacro/BV patch. No difference.


But I logged on another character and successfully became a vamp.


Go figure.


Any ideas how to fix this? Really like the character look so dont want to make over if I can salvage this. And yes, his concept (and last name) is Volkihar so the vamp thing isnt something I can buypass.


Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

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the companion quest line gives you the werewolf gift. so probably because you are a werewolf you cannot become a vampire. (its been a long time since i played skyrim so i forget which part of the quest gives you it)


with that said you could try forcing yourself to become a vampire via console


Open Console and type: Player.setrace nordrace


and then Open Console again and type: Player.setrace nordracevampire


the second command will force you to become a vampire.


Note: change nordrace to your own race for both commands. example: bosmerrace, darkelfrace etc etc


Usage: Player.Setrace "race to change to" <-- changes your own race to the race specified


NordraceVampire <-- changes your race to nord and you will now be a vampire with all the pros and cons of being a vampire

Edited by Guest
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Hi Twistedfatal and thank you for your reply. Character never became werewolf. He was only on the 2nd quest of the Companion line where you get the first piece of the axe. Im wondering if it (the companion quest) somehow implants some data in your character precursoring the Werewolf thing that makes turning Vamp impossible. The character that I was able to successfully turn vamp after I noticed this issue had already completed the Companion questline and cured himself of being a WW with the hags head. Hmmmm...very odd.


I will try the console command and see if that will fix it. I know I installed BV and did the reinfect yourself + wait 3 days and it didnt work. Conspiracy theory I know but I cant help but wonder if the abovementioned has anything to do with it.

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