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Stutter after reload


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Hi all,


I'm experiencing a strange problem where Oblivion will run smoothly and without stutter until I reload in the wilderness. I haven't been able to replicate it in city indoor cells/city cells, only the wilderness.


Basically, if I die in the wilderness then reload to a save in the wilderness, my game starts stuttering like crazy. Often times I won't even need to die - if I reload to an earlier save in the wilderness of Tamriel, it keeps stuttering.


Some notes:


-I'm using stutter remover and Oblivion Reloaded

-I'm using Enginebugfixes and the 4gb patch

-I'm using a lot of mods. I'll list them if that'll help, but somehow I doubt having a lot of mods will cause stuttering only after reloading on death. I know it can cause stuttering in general, but would it really cause it only in a specific situation?

-I'm using TES4LODgen


If I could figure out what was causing this problem, I could probably fix it, but I'm at a complete loss. Any suggestions?

Edited by nomeansGonzy
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Oblivion isn't well known for efficient memory handling. When you reload you are loading that save into a mess left from the previous load, not a clean slate. There are plenty of things that 'can' be done in the game that aren't a good idea (do you use quicksave for example ... known to be a source of save file corruption).


I personally have all auto-saves turned off in Oblivion.ini, never use quicksave or reload, always save using the Esc menu save in a new slot (the overwriting of saves also messes things up) and have a remarkably stable game without using any of the utilities that are recommended to help prevent crashes (the only thing I use is EngineBugFixes, which includes one fix that helps cut down on crashes). I also periodically save , exit and restart the game from the desktop. No need for my guy to die ... just good habits.

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Oblivion isn't well known for efficient memory handling. When you reload you are loading that save into a mess left from the previous load, not a clean slate. There are plenty of things that 'can' be done in the game that aren't a good idea (do you use quicksave for example ... known to be a source of save file corruption).


I personally have all auto-saves turned off in Oblivion.ini, never use quicksave or reload, always save using the Esc menu save in a new slot (the overwriting of saves also messes things up) and have a remarkably stable game without using any of the utilities that are recommended to help prevent crashes (the only thing I use is EngineBugFixes, which includes one fix that helps cut down on crashes). I also periodically save , exit and restart the game from the desktop. No need for my guy to die ... just good habits.


I'll try to just use the method of saving as you described (basically just save to new slots, don't use quicksave and autosave). Thanks for the advice. I'll come back if for some reason the issue persists even while doing as described, but hopefully my game will continue to be smooth :)

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There is one other thing that crops up with characters after 200+ hours ... commonly called the A-Bomb bug (stuck animation ... most commonly noticed with animated doors and gates and flames like those from torches). For years we have to rely on utilities to fix the root cause of the bug, which would eventually reappear and need fixing again. The previously mentioned EngineBugFixes includes a permanent fix for the A-Bomb.

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