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Morrowind Sound And Graphics Overhaul May Be Broken


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There is definitely texture loading issues with MGSO PERIOD. That I have proven extensively. I already fixed those issues, but having to fix something that should have worked the first time is a problem that continues to linger no matter how many times I've brought it up. Missing table textures, missing glass boot textures, missing crystal ball textures. Whats really dumb is the table texture can be fixed from this site. Look for the missing table texture fix on here and move it to the meshes folder.


The stupidity continues: After fixing your table texture you will then get missing glass boot, missing crystal ball, the entire time you've been playing up until now you never once received this message. Its stupid because the texture is there in game and if you look it up in your data files its clearly there. Simply deleting the glass boots gnd will solve this issues. Which should be obviously stupid as in, if I have just deleted it, how is it not missing now????


At this point I'm so SOOO irritated. I am literally convinced, the modding community, has intentionally broken this mod. Why am I convinced? Because, not only have I brought this up numerous times, on different accounts ,for at least 2 years now, but a quick google search proves, many many people have these issues, and almost no one gets any kind of useful response, EVER. I know this mod used to work just fine, so what happened? And an even better question, why is there hardly anyone addressing this issue?


Well as you read above, I provided a work around, not a fix but, a work around.


Now for the next MGSO issue, that never existed before but, clearly exists now. After a perfect, errorless, install of morrowind and mgso, trying to launch the game from the morrowind exe provides an error "application failed to start properly" followed with some .00007xb or some crap.


After at least a month and a half and clean factory reset of my pc, with fresh errorless install, and still broken for no reason whatsoever, I came across this retarded solution: rename d3d8 dll to d3d8 dllold I did this and what do you know, it loads right up, opening cinematic and all but wait whats this, now dragging items from my inventory to the world, will not, show until my inventory is closed. This makes decorating very VERY hard. That always worked before....


So I re-name d3d8 back to dll and, 000.07bx whatever error occurs again when lauching from morrowind exe.


But oh more stupidity, lauching from morrowind launcher exe and then selecting "play" game loads at first with a window around it that eventually disappears into full screen but no cinematic opening.


So that's where I am at now, launching Morrowind from morrowind launcher exe and not getting to see the opening cinematic. At least the game is working right? WRONG>! I want my game to launch correctly, opening cinematic, everything. I shouldn't have to sacrifice getting my game to launch correctly so it will play correctly, I shouldn't have to delete files to get them to register in the game (however that stupidity make any sense whatsoever), I shouldn't have new missing files that aren't actually missing pop up when I fix old missing files that weren't actually missing(more logic fail) Why is it all unacceptable, why is it so wrong? BECAUSE IT ALWAYS WORKED BEFORE AND IT NO LONGER DOES.


I hardly doubt anyone is going to provide me with any sort of useful answer, because I've already asked about this numerous times before but, at least for anyone stumped by the above, you can see, if you follow my crappy band aid fixes, that's better than you'll get from anyone else.

Edited by IIxZxII
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If you want help with something then you need to give people enough information to work with, what version of Morrowind is it? what other mods are you running? what are your PC's specs including operating system? where is it installed? what errors are you getting? ".00007xb or some crap" is no use to anyone, has the mod been updated (last update 2012) between the time it worked for you and when it stopped working? if not then logic dictates that the problem is on your end as nothing with the mod or Morrowind has changed. I tested the mod myself after getting a few reports of a corrupt installer during the summer, I installed it on a fresh copy of Morrowind (Steam) and it works fine, does it work fine for everyone? of course not, it's a very complex mod but the problems tend to be on the users end, faulty mods don't get over 20,000 endorsements.

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