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Skyrim VR is the possibility to save VR Bethesda will probably not take


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What does VR lack? A good game, with good longevity. Skyrim VR can deliver so many things that make VR amazing, great views, hand to hand combat, archery, the longevity. It's got the potential to save VR from being niche.


With mods, of course. It NEEDS mods. There's no way vanilla skyrim, even in VR, will keep people's attention for long. Skyrim VR could benefit so much from the ability to port mods from normal Skyrim. And not only that, there's something else VR is missing, or has a severe lack of: Porn. VR porn will be amazing. By enabling modding in Skyrim, you'd automatically have the porn as well.


VR Skyrim is a massive bundle of potential, but it really requires Bethesda to play their cards right. When their focus is set on things like making mods cost money, it seems like a slim hope indeed.


I'm still positive VR will become a stable market, but whether it happens now or years from now, can well depend on singular companies like Bethesda.


Just my two cents, though. :)

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