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Antivenom and new poisons?


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I've made this really cool poison that dehydrates the player and reduces their carry weight. It's the best poison in the whole entire world. So at least I have that bit covered.


However, I quickly realised that antivenom does nothing, and this is because it uses a script which handles each poison individually and which is then used on an effect. I think this is absolutely insane, but that's life, so my question is what is the most compatible and efficient way to make sure all antivenoms in this game can remove my custom poison from the player?


I've made a new script which dispels my poison and added it to the antivenom effect list. So, does this potentially conflict with other mods? Is there a way I can use a script to make this change at run-time and not conflict with other mods?


Also, what about other antivenoms, and what about any that are added by mods? Datura antivenom comes to mind, but I'm pretty sure there are others.


It did occur to me that I could use a gamemode script that runs all the time, but that seems like a weird workaround and an unnecessary drain on resources (also, it would need a very frequent quest delay to be effective against the fast-acting poison, which will be at a time of great chaos and much combat).


Thank you in advance.

Edited by EPDGaffney
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I think the most you could do towards preemptive mod conflicts. Is just look at the more popular mods that add chems , and see if they are adding a new ingestible with separate script besides the 2(3) present in the vanilla content for antivenom. Otherwise just wait and see if people have a problem after release , and fix it then vs trying to come up with a script to check for all what if possibilites.

Not sure how effective you could be with "GetIsFormType & HasMagicEffect"


You might want to just add lines to those scripts though ... "Dispel MyPoison"

And then I'm assuming there is some doctor scripts that you may need to edit too ?


But your poison effect of dehydrating the player ... made me think ... what if the player could semi - temporarily stave off the worst of the effects by drinking liquids ?

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I almost know what I want to do about this, but I need to know the answer to my master dependency query on the other thread I made.


Editing vanilla scripts is potentially quite incompatible. I can add a second effect to these items anyway; it's just that I want to avoid record edits as much as possible in a mod that most people will completely forget about being anything other than a quest mod and would never think they'd need to keep low in the load order.


Have to look into the doctor scripts. Thanks for that. Although, the player will probably be dead by the time they can reach any doctors, unless a mod happens to change that.


On the drinking liquids bit, that's exactly the point. Well, the poison does more than what I've said above. A lot of little things. But if the player has no antivenom-type ingestibles, they can use health items, poison resistance items, and drinks to make some attempt at surviving. The poison is absolutely brutal on hardcore mode.

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If you use JIP LN, you could latch a scripted effect at the start of the game session with AddNewEffect to the antivenom items you want to also handle your poisons, so that they can cure it as well.


If you prefer to alter them directly, last time I checked, there's a 'Cure Poison' base effect archetype which actually works as it's supposed to, curing any and all poisons at once. They would have probably used that for antivenom if they realized it worked, though a more realistic option would be having specific antidotes for each poison, instead of a tribal mix being an end all be all for everything.

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  On 12/24/2017 at 8:16 PM, EPDGaffney said:

Thanks, miguick! I think that's only available with Honest Hearts loaded, which was my major concern, but your answer to my other thread has sorted me out.


Glad you got that sorted ... I suspected they were related :turned:

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