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Looking for large Morrowind mods


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So it's like this. I've played Morrowind many times before and I'm looking for large mods that I could play while basically skipping everything else. I've heard of the total conversion mods Arktwend and Myar Aranath but I'm more interested in mods with separate landmasses at the moment, ones with their story line and such. Some voice acting would be great but it's not hugely important.

It would be nice to have maybe 2 of these in use at once if possible but I understand that might not be realistic. I also like to use various misc mods, so anything that changes the games' gameplay, etc. would likely conflict with such mods, hence why I'm looking beyond total conversion options.

I'm also willing to consider mods that require a higher level and such, but I'd prefer to avoid them if possible.

Also the PC I'll be using to play Morrowind doesn't handle newer games that great currently, so please keep this in mind.

Edited by Superrpgman
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I am still in the process of testing many mods and some land mass mods I have skipped so far because they will conflict with other mods.


My suggestion is to look on Nexus and Morrowind Mod History (MWMH) for the categories related to new lands or anything similar.


I would go to Nexus first because there you can see how many times the mod has been downloaded, how many endorsements it has, and you can read comments posted. MWMH has a lot of old mods, but there arenât any endorsements or comments.


Many people speak highly of Tamriel Rebuilt and I only started looking around Wyrmhaven.


Hopefully others will have some more specific suggestions, but I have found spending some time looking on Nexus, MWMH, Great House Fliggerty, etc. has led me to discover a lot of very cool mods.


You can also search for Morrowind load lists or load order and many people have posted the mods they are using for different reasons.


Hope that helps a little, good luck, and enjoy MW!

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