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Navigation Mesh Info Map


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After I added my first navmeshes to objects and saved the file, I opened it in FO4Edit to see if I made any dirty edits. That's when I first saw the "Navigation Mesh Info Map"-Entry. I believed that's where the navmesh data get's stored, but after a closer look it contained hundreds of entries for navmeshes from the whole game I never touched or even viewed (see screenshot), and bloated the file from 2kb to 40kb. I wasn't concerned with the size, tho, but the possibility of it causing conflicts with other mods somehow.


However, after translating the file to another language (and not fiddling with navmeshes), the entry was suddenly gone after saving it in the CK. I tested it in the game and everything worked just fine, the added navmeshes were still recognized. My conclusion: The entry is temporary and not necessary for mod functionality, since the CK itself removes it when not working with navmeshes in a modding session.


While I first tried to figure out what that entry is, I loaded other mods into FO4Edit to see if that entry was there, too, and it was in many cases. So if you're a mod creator and are concerned about this, just save your mod in a session where you didn't alter navmeshes.

I'm posting this for anyone who might want closer information about that entry, since I couldn't find that specific info anywhere, just inconclusive assumptions.



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